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Hi team,

I have a idea if EasySocial could have a standard installed "Demo user" with all ES content, pics etc when installed that could have only a view permissions when logged in? and/or you also can make an install of it afterwards..

The idea is the ES sites can have a show case user that people can use to login and see how ES works and with predefined data ie reg date very early etc so it cant be searched/find, latest user module etc so it cant be find by normal users using the site.

You could then create a perm link to that user and have him/her set up with all good attributions and make that your demo use for attracting new user to register to site, create affiliates that could use this info, perm link, login to attract new users to your social community site.

What you think? ;)

I think it would benefit all ES site owners that will have a predefined site user that could be the showcase for the site and how EA works for end-users to the site.
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