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Easyblog bug

Adam Overby · ·
7:23 AM Sunday, 22 December 2013
It wont let me put this in the Easyblog category, but this is why I get frustrated with easyblog. It magically does things I don't want it to do, never asked it do, and have no idea why it does this. I have NOT I REPEAT NOT COPIED AND PASTED ANYTHING INTO THIS blog post and I am going to show you with screen shots what I am talking about. Some of things I have already corrected manually by myself, but this is a process or project that I should never have to do when creating a blog post with a blog engine, and I have to do it every time with EASYBLOG. I used to just accept it as not knowing what the hell I am doing, but the more and more I use it the more and more I feel like someone half assed the coding of this program. I am taking this to you in private instead of social media or joomla extensions reviews because you have always always always always given me top notch customer support and I feel out of respect you deserve a chance at rectifying this instead of being backstabbed on a public review site.

So lets begin:

Problem #1 -http://screencast.com/t/wIaU2ZcfoVBW
Problem #2-http://screencast.com/t/2qGTgmvG
Problem #3-http://screencast.com/t/u5kXulRe
Problem #4-http://screencast.com/t/2oGWUwBPNo3

Now these are not major problems only because they are fixable if I spend the time to do so, but when I take 3 hours to write a post the last thing I want to do is spend another 30 minutes fixing magical easyblog formatting problems. And on this particular post I spent 4 hours yesterday researching & writing and 45 minutes fixing obnoxiously dumb things like this. Today I spent 3 hours researching and writing and have arleady spent 20 minutes fixing obnoxious formatting bugs and probably have another 20 minutes to go. Plus I have another 12 categories to cover so at this rate I will have 8 hours of writing and reserach and another 2 hours of fixing obnoxious easygblog formatting bugs. Thats a problem.


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