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Developer Portal

Kevin Morrison · ·
5:31 AM Saturday, 02 August 2014
This feature request is not only directed at EasyBlog although I sell it more than any other so I figured this was a good place to ask. The problem I have is (so far) none of my clients want to take the time to maintain their StackIdeas accounts and so I am the caregiver for multiple accounts here. What would be ideal is to have a portal where I could purchase and manage multiple accounts from one interface.

I have a few clients who have let their subscriptions expire, or rather I dont get notified that they are set to expire because the email is not my own but I am still being held responsible to renew the subscription.

If you guys can see there are more of us with the same issue it would be awesome if you could somehow setup a way that we could manage all these clients easily and see which ones are getting ready to expire, alert us so that we can collect the payments and renew them. A way to manage multiple APIs and really everything for these multiple accounts would be the coolest thing and maybe other developers that have limited paid subscriptions would take notice and start doing it.

The fact is I really want to support the developers but it is almost easier to not worry about it sometimes and just install with a single API and deal with the issues on my own as they come up rather than hassle with 50+ different logins. I know it is wrong and I am a huge proponent of ensuring those that create these cool things for Joomla have the cash flow to continue. I know there are low ballers out there that only make one purchase and sell it on multiple sites (shame on all of you that do this) but maybe they would be more inclined to support you if the process was easier to manage I don't know? Granted there are scumbags that wont but there are always going to be the ten percenters that are worthless...

Anyone else that reads this and feels my pain, please chime in and lets see if there is enough of an interest in this to get the StackIdeas team to build us something awesome to manage our clients...;)
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