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Please vote on Voices to show your Support for Clean URL's for Profiles (yes, this uses Joomla standards)

How it Already Exists:

Awesome url's for profile's is already possible without the need of any SEF extension as seen here (ignore the test subdomain). The structure is literally site.com/name (just like other major social media sites). To accomplish this I set the profile menu item as the homepage.

The problem and a Simple Solution:

The problem is that for guests there is no way to nicely show a frontpage considering that it's displaying a profile menu item to a non member. So what I'm proposing is a menu item option that allows the output to display nothing for guests (this will also speed up the frontpage). Here's what the admin option could look like:


By setting it to no, the frontpage does not load any content from ES (except modules that you might already be displaying). That is all we need from the stacked team, a way to display nothing for guests. ;) This allows you to create your own frontpage for guests by using modules and use Joomla's guest usergroup to assure that the menu item acts as both a profile portal and a frontpage. For the registered usergroup it's really easy to create an additional frontpage that uses site.com/home, the user will not know the difference. :D

Further Explaining:

So for a guest my frontpage could look like this: http://www.alpineascent.com/
Once the user is logged in, the domain of the site will literally be their profile. The logo could link to site/home which will display the guest like frontpage. :) If your concerned about menu items being over ran by these root urls, you can exclude username/permalink names in the custom field options.
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