UPDATES EasyBlog 6.0.11 Released! Update to the latest version now!


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Hey guys,

Since you are on an improvement roll lately, I figured I had to share some of my ideas with you.
This time, it is related to your built-in point system. As you know, when a user gets a point, it is logged into the database's corresponding table. Thus, every single point achievement is stored securely. Imagine it for hundreds or for thousands of users.. That's a big load for any servers.

If we could have an option like merging point history from a specified date, well, for example instead of loading 50 or 120 entries, users would see a single line, like a closing balance. On one hand, it would be a "new feature", on the other we could save valued time, sources, we could reduce DB calls and datas to be loaded (for both backend and frontend), hence the site's performance and speed would be even better.. :) Tell me if i'm wrong :P
It could also come handy, if administrators were able to delete a single point history, as you have for Badges now.

Of course, please note that this is just a suggestion, obviously not a priority one, but hope it can be useful for many users / admins out there & you will find it worthy for EasySocial to keep advancing.


Thanks :)
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