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Alphabet Filter Bar

Robyn Lingen · ·
11:34 PM Tuesday, 26 May 2015

I am looking at adding an Alphabet Filter Bar ( A | B | C …) to the top of the user list so the when a user clicks on a letter, the list is sorted by that letter. I would like the filter to sort by my custom field which is "last name."

I know how to use the Advanced Search feature, so I could make a filter for each letter. That works well. But instead of having 26 letters run down the sidebar, I'd like to display them across the top of the user list.

I would appreciate any tips about how to display Advanced Filters at the top of the page, or how to create an alphabet bar at the top of the user list to sort by my custom field, "last name."

I am also able to pay for code support on this.

Thank you in advance.
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