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Add search plugin for ES conversations

Benoit Gonneville Damme · ·
12:25 AM Tuesday, 10 March 2015

I'm kind of remember seeing a topic related to this, but since I cannot find it, I will post my question (again?).

It would be really nice to have a search (smart search too) plugin to be able to search for event and group discussions.

Right now, there is still no easy way for a user to be able to find back a conversation he is involve into.

Adding a search feature as well as tags and bookmarked discussions would greatly help.

I know there is EasyDiscuss for discussion/forum needs, but since such discussion feature exist in Es, search features should exist as well for it.

Let me know if there is an interest in adding this to ES, maybe in ES 1.4? ;-)

Cheers and thank you for what you're doing.

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