By Paul Murray on Thursday, 26 April 2018
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Hello SIers

There have been countless threads about LMS systems in this forum.
Usually they got so long that they were closed at some point.

There are options out there such as Shika but many of us in here are very sceptical about it.
There is Guru which has a whole pile of problems beyond the scope of this thread.
Or you can hack things together with for eg a mix of Vimeo Plus and some edited ES files.
You can try and integrate Moodle which is kind of cool but also insanely complex.
No doubt there are others options but none seem quite right.

And then there is also OSCampus.
Honestly I personally know very little about OSCampus.
I am not saying that it is the Holy Grail.
But it looks like a relatively modern and simple component for the delivery of sets of videos with some quizzes.
And that is about all I for one would need.
Sure it would be cool if it were integrated with ES.
So for eg you could get from your profile to OSCampus and from OSCampus to your profile or profiles of others.
And all of this IMHO in a best case scenario in a Group.
Having some kind of control over this group so for example students could not just invite any one to join.
On the other hand you might want to be able to preview sections of the course in said Group!
I know from my own experience of training in a class room the more interaction the more magic!

@ Mark, please, please please find some time to make this happen soon be it OSCampus, YooDIY or similar.

I firmly believe that this is an area where Easy Social could really excel.

all the best

Hello Paul,
I do not believe OsCampus is the answer for any project like yours and/or other users nowedays.
OSCampus is only the answer for sitees like joomlashack itself...
"Teachers" should be able to manage everything from the frontend, backend features are only for site administrators in my opinion.

Anything is possible with EasySocial BUT it still need to suit all Stackideas subscribers and that will not be so easy to satisfy

Yesterday I had a phone call with the creator of YooDIY (onhlold project since a few years because owner is now working for BIG companies & government...).
He has given me the right to work with the developer of my choice to update the component to our needs.
YooDiy is a perfect starting point and it requires little work.
In the next days/weeks I will look to hire a freelancer to work on it, if anyone here knows someone...
@Mark if you would like to jump in this boat it is up to you...
Thursday, 26 April 2018 14:00
0 Votes

YooDIY is already integrated with EasySocial (previous version - so it really need little work)

YooDIY is available on stackideas APP store:

It is integrated with ES has badges and points (see attached pictures)

if this thread is about LMS maybe the title should be adapted not naming OSCampus
Thursday, 26 April 2018 14:06
0 Votes
Hey Supporter

How about "Easy Social and an agile LMS solution?"

Yes I remember Yoodiy. I think you mentioned it before and I even wrote to the developer but never got a reply. They were probably too busy. But as I remember it integrated well with Easy Social and the whole video side of things needed some TLC. Do you have any idea if Yoodiy is compatible with the current most up to date version of ES? I am not a coder but I am happy to help out with testing etc. Preferably on a test site somewhere.

With respect to a developer I might have some one who can help.
Can you drop me a line here paul(at)


Thursday, 26 April 2018 14:34
0 Votes
Agile... this is one trendy (and controverted) word

The main difference is that agile is about adding capabilities to software while education is about adding capabilities to people. If only we could do the latter with simple coding — or perhaps not, given how that would be misused.

About YooDIY @Mark (or any Stackideas coder) would be the best one to evaluate what needs to be done...
Thursday, 26 April 2018 15:03
0 Votes
Ok let run with Agile.
As long as we are talking trendy and not hip.
@ Supporter I have already written the response to your email so do not forget to drop me a line
Also way of topic but scary stuff:
Thursday, 26 April 2018 15:09
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I subscribed to Guru for a few years and never got to use it in the end due to the lack of integration with ES (I could have gone back to jomsocial but I much prefer Stackideas products and most definitely their service which is first class!). I did try getting ijoomla to integrate it (and later Joomlart) but they told me categorically NO!. I am guessing stack are their direct competition. From memory it was around 3 plugins that integrated Guru with Jomsocial, so maybe the route to go down is to get some custom work done by some 3rd party developer?

I also noticed Joomshaper provide a component for elearning, although I don't know how sophisticated it is.

Kind regards

Friday, 27 April 2018 21:21
0 Votes
Hi Mel

I subscribed to Guru for a few years and never got to use it in the end due to the lack of integration with ES (I could have gone back to jomsocial but I much prefer Stackideas products and most definitely their service which is first class!

Yes the SI team are simply the best

I did try getting ijoomla to integrate it (and later Joomlart) but they told me categorically NO!. I am guessing stack are their direct competition.

Lets just say they have their history.

From memory it was around 3 plugins that integrated Guru with Jomsocial, so maybe the route to go down is to get some custom work done by some 3rd party developer?

Personally Guru would be over kill for me. But I did have a long conversation with a woman called Eileen in this forum some time ago. She was looking at integrating with Guru Stackideas products. She seemed to be interested in a feature in the front end of Guru which if my memory serves me correctly allowed you to turn a Joomla Blog post into a course. To the best of my knowledge nothing ever came of this.

Since then Easy Articles has come out:
And again I could be wrong but I believe that this is much closer to the native Joomla Blog fame work.

From the Easy Articles product page!!!

Designed and built to work seamlessly with Joomla articles out of the box.

So if you were dead set on Guru maybe this might be a route to investigate!?!

Easy Articles>Joomla Blog Post>Publish Blog Post as Guru Course

Just a stab in the dark!

all the best

Saturday, 28 April 2018 02:55
0 Votes
I personally would have had my needs met with guru/stack as needed all the functionality. If you want something more simplistic take a look at and their on a. I haven't tried it myself, they have a template with it set up ready to go. It might be enough for your needs.
I have had numerous custom work done by stack team and they are exceptional. If you really need something then run it past them as custom paid work. It's well worth it to get your project as you want it.
Saturday, 28 April 2018 04:58
0 Votes
Sorry predictive text on my phone it should say their LMS Component
Saturday, 28 April 2018 04:59
0 Votes
@ Mel
Yes I keep forgetting about SP LMS
I have been using there SP Page builder extension for a number of years and find it pretty good.
Will have a look thanks

Are you moving forward with your yooDIY plans?
It seems very down to earth to me.
If you would like to drop me a line I would be very happy to hear from you (paul(at)
Wednesday, 02 May 2018 01:43
0 Votes
Just to throw my 2 cents worth into this discussion. I currently use on one web site EasySocial, EasyBlog and EasyDiscuss as well as Komento. And, I love them all. I plan to use PayPlans if and when I come up with something people are willing to pay for. :-) But, the one 'dream' we have more than anything else is to have some sort of Learning Management System (LMS) integrated with EasySocial. The expanded dream for us would be for StackIdeas to acquire some LMS as the next logical leg in their progression towards making our dreams come true. :-) A guy can only hope. It seems like the killer app to join together with PayPlans and the rest of the StackIdeas suite of software.
Sean Carney
Tuesday, 04 September 2018 00:46
0 Votes
Sometimes I wonder if LMS is even to lofty an ideal?

Looking a the feature list on the Moodle Site
In brackets (ES) means that Easy Social has this feature)

Modern, easy to use interface (ES)
Personalised Dashboard (ES)
Collaborative tools and activities (ES)
All-in-one calendar (ES)
Convenient file management
Simple and intuitive text editor (ES)
Notifications (ES)
Track progress (Not in ES)

Other features bear many similarities to how Easy Social works...

I believe that tighter integration with Vimeo and You Tube could add whole new dimension.
Using as much of the out of the box capabilities of Vimeo & You Tube to put a video super lane through ES.
Integrate videos (Vimeo/YouTube) smoothy in a paid Groups accessed with Pay Plans and I think that you have a LMS of sorts.

Just a thought
Wednesday, 05 September 2018 16:08
0 Votes
Hey, did any of you guys end up trying to develop an LMS type site with EasySocial? I have a client that this type of solution may work for. I'm considering giving it a shot and would appreciate any advice or taking at look at your site.

Tuesday, 06 August 2019 05:55
0 Votes
Hi David

You can check this out here:

It is very much a work in progress.
But I have the feeling that we ever ES update there is another piece of the puzzle that falls into place.
There are a couple of minor zweaks to how video thumbnails display but that is about it!

If you want to give me any feed back I am all ears.


Tuesday, 06 August 2019 16:15
0 Votes
Why the scepticism about Shika?
Tuesday, 06 August 2019 19:08
0 Votes
Why the scepticism about Shika?

Speaking for myself I have had not had very good experiences with techjoomla (makers of Shika.)

Also think it is way over priced!
Tuesday, 06 August 2019 21:30
0 Votes
Thanks for sharing your site Paul. The site is awesome, really impressive! Great content. I caught your email above and will drop you a line with some feedback.

Upon further reflection I think EasySocial is overkill for my upcoming project, as I don't really need the social networking aspect. I'm thinking about using Payplans with EasyArticles, which I have not yet tried. Any thoughts on this?

I share the support concerns with TechJoomla. When building an eCommerce site, it's critical to have great support, and I'm confident that StackIdeas will provide it.
Tuesday, 06 August 2019 22:07
0 Votes
Shika is very good value in the LMS world for what it offers, but sadly must agree about the support especially when compared with StackIdeas.
Wednesday, 07 August 2019 01:53
0 Votes
Hi didnt nobody here tried LMS King that I guess have much of many features you are asking for?
Friday, 06 November 2020 03:51
0 Votes
Yes would be nice if ES could make some set up demo & Virtuemart integrations similar like WP BuddyBoss like

WooCommerce Store
BuddyBoss integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce, the #1 E-commerce WordPress plugin on the Market.
The BuddyBoss Theme comes with built-in styling to make WooCommerce looks stunning!

Demo Data Import
Creating default data is helpful if you’ve just installed BuddyBoss, allowing you to test and play around with dummy information like default groups, forums, members and activity while you work on your site.

where you also have a LMS integration doing "courses" that you can sell...

LearnDash LMS Integration
Create and manage your online course with a dynamic course builder and built-in course progression when you use BuddyBoss Platform with LearnDash.

Customize your courses with as many lessons, topics, quizzes, and assignments as you want. There’s no limit to the flexibility of your learning environment.

You have almoste all these products from Stackideas & Joomla today like LMS King, VirtueMart, EasySocial and PayPlans. With new Helix Ultimate v 2 and new SP Pagebuilder with support for Joomla 4 now ready within a week approx..
Friday, 06 November 2020 15:11
0 Votes
Yes it does feel as if we are almost there.... My 2 cents what could really help....

"YouTube & Vimeo chapters in combination with "NEXT and PREV buttons for ES Video Pages" (already planned)

The link for the chapters being supported in ES video description is here:

Friday, 06 November 2020 16:28
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