By Mark on Sunday, 26 August 2012
Category: Komento

Komento hotfix available now

A new hotfix for Komento is available for download now. A very helpful user pointed to us a little issue in Komento and we had to postpone our restful weekend to get it fixed and resolved.


It is a very small issue but it could potentially cause a site to breakdown, if not fixed. We did a quick one on this and we'd like you to dash to our downloads area to get the latest version of Komento. Just overwrite your current installation and the job is done. There is no cause for panic for we'd like you to act swiftly on this.

There are currently 3 ways to quickly patch up your Komento component:

Uploading Patch files

Manual Patches

Users who would like a quick fix, edit the file /components/com_komento/views/rss/view.feed.php and at line 32, locate the block of codes below:

$cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', 'all');

Replace the codes above with,

$cid = JRequest::getInt( 'cid' );
$cid = !$cid ? 'all' : $cid;

Component Upgrades

If you have a subscription for Komento, you can request us to apply the fixes for you by creating a ticket at We'll also need your back end and FTP access.

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