By Mark on Friday, 28 August 2015
Category: EasySocial

EasySocial 1.4 Beta Available Now

It's here, guys! EasySocial 1.4 is ready to be beta tested by you. We know that it took us some time, but now that we've managed to get back on our feet after EasyBlog 5, we're presenting the next version of EasySocial 1.4. Here are some of the features that you should expect from the beta:


This is probably one of the most anticipated feature of EasySocial 1.4 and we have added videos into this release. The videos support is not only available for users, it is also available for both Groups and Events as well :)

While most other social networks processes videos on the back end or from the cronjob, EasySocial 1.4 allows you to encode videos on the fly. In other words, when you upload your video the conversion happens immediately with a nice progress bar.


Elegant Theme

With EasySocial 1.4, we have also cooked up a brand spanking new theme called Elegant. In lieu with the other "wireframe" themes with the rest of our extensions, we have decided to also create a theme in EasySocial that has a more unifying look. The new intuitive toolbar design in the elegant theme is also something that you guys should get your hands on.


Improved Backend

This is one of the area that we have been challenged from time to time because every time we release a new version for our products, the back end looks different from one component compared to another. We have decided to unify the layout and design of the back end to look identical to the rest of our products. Apart from just the design changes, we have also improved the usability of the back end.



As requested, we have also added polling into EasySocial which allows your community users to create polls on the site :) Polls in EasySocial 1.4 allows creating polls with multiple votes too!


Custom Fields

In this release, we have also added a new custom field called Auto Completion. This custom field allows you to pre-set a list of suggested keywords in the field allowing users to pre-select these keywords.



With EasySocial 1.4, you can now also attach files in your comments. It also now comes with various emojis aka emoticons, which allows users to express various emotions.


Performance Optimization

Apart from the features mentioned above, the team also made huge changes under the hood. Your EasySocial site will be much faster than the previous versions as we've optimized the codes to cater to videos. Aside from optimizing our codes, we've also squashed various minor bugs.


Other Improvements

Font Awesome seems to be one of the most common font icon packs available out there and EasySocial 1.4 now utilizes Font Awesome throughout the extension.

Still a beta version...

EasySocial 1.4 is still a beta version; we hope that our beta testers are able to assist us to identify bugs especially those which are related to the new features. We highly encourage users to not install the beta release on a live site. All bug reports should be reported in the respective issue tracker page

The beta release is only available to user's with a valid subscription. User's without an active license will need to renew your subscription first in order to get your hands on EasySocial 1.4.

Renew EasySocial Now   or   Download EasySocial 1.4 Beta

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