  1. Customizations
  2. Creating Custom Block

Creating Custom Block

Note: This documentation is intended for Advanced User and please do understand that this custom block customization is beyond our scope of support outlined in

EasyBlog Composer Custom Blocks

Creating a custom block for EasyBlog composer is not hard, but you'll need some coding skills to begin with.

Building Custom Block

Your custom block zip package should contain the following files.

  • blockname.json
    Designated path: /administrator/components/com_easyblog/defaults/blocks/blockname.json

        "group": "media",
        "element": "custom",
        "title": "Custom Block",
        "description": "Custom block description",
        "keywords": "custom",
        "published": 1,
        "ordering": 100
  • blockname.js
    Designated path: /media/com_easyblog/scripts/composer/blocks/handlers/blockname.js

    EasyBlog.module("composer/blocks/handlers/custom", function($){
        var module = this;
        .done(function($) {
        EasyBlog.Controller("Composer.Blocks.Handlers.custom", {
            elements: [],
            defaultOptions: {},
        }, function(self, opts, base, composer, blocks) { return {
            // Your js file can contain any scripts that required by the block.
  • blockname.php
    Designated path: /administrator/components/com_easyblog/includes/blocks/handlers/blockname.php
    (Your custom block must extends the parent class with the necessary abstract methods)

    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Unauthorized Access');
    require_once(__DIR__ . '/abstract.php');
    class EasyBlogBlockHandlerBlockname extends EasyBlogBlockHandlerAbstract
        public $icon = 'fa fa-file-image-o';
        public $element = 'none';
        public function data()
            $data = new stdClass();
            return $data;
  • blockname/fieldset.php
    Designated path: /components/com_easyblog/themes/wireframe/composer/blocks/handlers/blockname/fieldset.php
    (Generates the fieldset on the right)

    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Unauthorized Access');
    <!-- You may define any options here.  -->
  • blockname/html.php
    Designated path: /components/com_easyblog/themes/wireframe/composer/blocks/handlers/blockname/html.php
    (Generates the temporary html codes when a block is added into the content)

    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Unauthorized Access');
    <div class="eb-composer-placeholder eb-composer-placeholder-custom">
    <p>custom block</p>
  • blockname/
    Designated path: /components/com_easyblog/themes/wireframe/composer/blocks/handlers/blockname/
    (For anything else the developer decides to add)

You may download the attached custom block package and you may refer to the existing blocks that are available on EasyBlog for more information.

Installing Custom Block

To install your custom block, head over to EasyBlog > Blocks > Install Blocks as shown below. Select your custom block package, and click Upload & Install.

Install Block

Your newly installed block should be available under Blocks section.

Custom Block

And once published, it should be visible on the EasyBlog composer.

Custom Block Composer

This article is separated into multiple sections as follow: