By Matthew Pate on Saturday, 20 May 2017
Posted in Groups
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I have one user (only one out of thousands!) that can not see content in any of the groups they have joined. The groups in question are open groups, there are no restrictions set and the posts are not by super administrators.

The user gets a notification about a post in a group they belong to and when they try to visit the link they are displayed the message "Restricted Content - you are not allowed to view the content of this item - you may need to login to see this item or it could be restricted to be seen".

The user belongs to two user groups "registered" and "moderator" but I have 4 other users with the same senario and they experience no issues.

Can you possibly think of anything that may be causing this?

Many thanks in advance.

Hm, to be honest I don't have an idea as to why this is happening. The only way for me to troubleshoot this is to test this on your site. If you could provide us with the following, we'll help you check on this.

1. The site access
2. The user access (That can't view the content)
3. The user access (That posted the content)
4. FTP access
Saturday, 20 May 2017 16:49
0 Votes
Thanks for your reply Mark.

One more snippet of useful information, the user reports that they have one user in their blocked list which they can not unblock or delete. This "blocked" user is always online at the time they check. I am wondering if this blocked user is a conflicting account. I almost think they may have blocked themselves. I have checked the database but can not find any conflicting user ID's including in the blocked users table. They also report that they can not see certain items that they themselves have posted on their timeline but everyone else can! Strange?!!

Totally stumped on this one!
Saturday, 20 May 2017 20:38
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Hey there,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here.

Currently we can't tell you what issue causing this yet, perhaps you can provide us with your details what my colleague mentioned at above so we can better have a check? You can put your site details at your profile section here :

At the same time, you can try to check what is that stream link when the user click on it? Once you get the id from the stream link, then run following SQL query from your database :

// Replace #__ to your table prefix
// Replace 1111 to your stream id
select * from #__social_stream where `id` = 1111;

Once it come out the result, check and see what is that `actor_id` , then search this id from backend user manager page (screenshot : ), what is the user group assigned to this user.
Sunday, 21 May 2017 10:10
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