By M E on Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Posted in General Issues
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We have given “Select Reply As Answer” permission to user groups that are able to create New Posts. E.g. Customer, Gold and Platinum profile types.

We expected that only the particular user who created the post can select a reply as answer just like it is with Stackideas help desk forum, but, this is not the case.

For example, our demo user Michael (customer profile type) created a new post but other sample users like Van Velt Services (Gold profile type) are able to “Select Reply As Answer” for this post that they did not create.

This should not be the case. We believe only the user who creates the post should be able to accept a reply as answer. Just like Stackideas help desk forum

The user signed in on the attachment here is Van Velt Services but as you can see, they are able to accept a reply as answer for a post created by test user Michael
Hey there,

If that's the case, you can disable the Select Reply As Answer ACL setting for all the Joomla User Groups so that only the author of the discussion can select reply as answer.

Do take note that site admin and moderators are always able to select reply as answer.
Wednesday, 13 October 2021 13:52
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