By Kanishk on Sunday, 07 July 2019
Posted in General Issues
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EasyDiscuss offers a toolbar with some links like categories, badges etc which can be either enabled or disabled in the settings. But I want to add my own menu items to the toolbar and and add custom links to it. Is that possible in the settings? Also am I able to alter urls of existing links there ?

Is there anyway to create a new menubar with my own menu items just below the toolbar in Easydiscuss or by some other settings?

Please let me know if possible and how to do it.

Kind Regards
Hey there,

EasyDiscuss offers a toolbar with some links like categories, badges etc which can be either enabled or disabled in the settings. But I want to add my own menu items to the toolbar and add custom links to it. Is that possible in the settings?

It is not possible to do with the setting.

But you can copy the default.php file from JoomlaFolder/components/com_easydiscuss/themes/wireframe/toolbar/default.php and paste it at template override location which is at JoomlaFolder/templates/yourCurrentTemplate/html/com_easydiscuss/toolbar/default.php.

Take note that you need to create the folders manually if you don't see it.

After that, you can look for add the code for your custom links under the following PHP code in the default.php which is from the template override location:

<?php if ($group) { ?>
<div class="o-nav__item <?php echo $active == 'groups' ? ' is-active' : '';?>">
<a href="<?php echo EDR::_('view=groups');?>" class="o-nav__link ed-toolbar__link">
<i class="fa fa-user t-sm-visible"></i>
<?php } ?>

Also am I able to alter urls of existing links there ? Is there anyway to create a new menubar with my own menu items just below the toolbar in Easydiscuss or by some other settings?

It is impossible to do that for both.
Monday, 08 July 2019 11:36
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Thanks for the very comprehensive response! I'll mark this closed.
Tuesday, 09 July 2019 19:30
0 Votes
Hi there,

You are most welcome.

Just for your information, I have locked and marked this thread as resolved to avoid confusions in the future. Please start a new thread if you have any other issue in the future so it will be easier for us to manage your inquiries.

Thanks for understanding.
Tuesday, 09 July 2019 19:37
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