By Paul Murray on Saturday, 13 May 2017
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Hello SI Team & Community

A lot of you will probably know that there is a pretty cool Hika App from Stackideas.

- You will need Easysocial v2.0.11 and above.
- You will need HikaMarket installed on your Joomla.
- Has HikaShop plugin installed on your Joomla. You can find the plugin in our App store for free. Plugin can be downloaded for free from

You will also need Hika Shop installed.

So far I have installed both the Starter HikaShop Starter & HikaMarket and it was pretty easy. And all works very well.

Further the Hika Shop support is nearly as good as here at SI.

HikaShop also have a product called Hika Serial that does all kind of stuff that is a little over my head at the moment but it does lots of stuff!

And it is going to do more very soon:

As far as I can tell you would have to buy Hika Serial Component and then plug a plug into it that they are developing. But I could be reading this wrong. Or maybe this will change. And then the Hika Serial Component which they describe as a "toolbox" would be plugged into HikaShop (Starter, Essential or Business)!!!

So it looks as if it will be soon possible to sell Subscriptions with HikaShop components.

Would it not be great to have these features ripple through to Stackideas products via the Hika Shop App?

e.g. “Blah” just bought a subscription to “Blah” show up in the ES Stream

Or better still how could the HikaShop subscriptions be used to control access to different parts of the site e.g.:

Blog Posts
Easy Social Pages/Groups
Easy Discuss Forum etc.

There might well be some flaws in my logic but I think most of you if not all of you should get the gist of what I am saying!?! Would it not be great to have the amazing ES products that we know and love integrate with subscriptions as seamlessly as possible on the websites we are building?

all the best

Excellent news
Saturday, 13 May 2017 18:50
0 Votes
Nice, thanks for sharing this Paul
Sunday, 14 May 2017 17:40
0 Votes
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