By Ulysses Gonzalez on Friday, 26 February 2021
Posted in Technical Issues
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I wanted to say, that the new EasyDiscuss looks amazing..
Now that the official update was ready we uploaded it to our site.

I did want to mention that we did notice an immediate change in our font, along with other things.
It became extremely smaller.... for everything, font, images, etc.. (see attached)

After reviewing some other support tickets, I realize that there is a bit of tweaking to be done, but over-all not to time-consuming.

Okay, so now for the reason for this ticket...which is the comments disappeared..
I noticed the settings seem to be have been transferred over, but still, it doesn't show the older comments under replies.
Nor can you add new comments under replies. (see attached)

Your help on this would be greatly handy right about now
For the font size issue, can you update another new release version of Easydiscuss and see how it goes?

So you do not need to customize the font size now.

Also can you pass me one of the discussion post which can replicate your second issue (comment disappeared)?
Friday, 26 February 2021 19:05
0 Votes
I re-installed it, but same.. No worries, I just adjusted the CSS within custom.css..

The main reason for this ticket hasn't been solved with the reinstallation of EasyDiscuss; which is the comments..

You can see from the image attached, that even recently comments were made on a post prior to updating EasyDiscuss.
They show on recent activity within EasySocial, but not in EasyDiscuss..

As mentioned, they just disappeared.. What changed or what must now be enabled?

Yet, if I enable "Enable Comments For Questions" It will appear again... strange..
Friday, 26 February 2021 19:34
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Okay, this issue caused by your customization file, I already help you renamed this file JoomlaFolder/templates/ja_sensei/html/com_easydiscuss/post_ , the comment section should appear now.

If you see any other issue, perhaps you can try temporarily rename this folder and see how it goes.

JoomlaFolder/templates/ja_sensei/html/com_easydiscuss (screenshot: )

If it loads fine then you have to consider to re-apply back your customization code into Easydiscuss 5 new coding file.
Friday, 26 February 2021 19:58
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Thanks, @ARlex, but I think you and I were working on it at the same time.
As when I enable "Enable Comments For Questions" it seemed as though it was working.
Unfortunately, it was, but we don't want comments to be enabled for questions.
Only enabled for replies..

I went ahead and changed it back and it doesn't work.
Then I did as you just mentioned and it didn't work.

I will let this task go and wait till I hear back from you; so we are not working on it at the same time.
Hoping you can find the resolve..
Thanks again for your time and help.
Friday, 26 February 2021 20:15
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Hey there,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here.

Yes, it seems like that is a bug, it already referring for this "Enable Comments For Questions" setting even reply.

I've help you applied some temporarily fix into this file JoomlaFolder/components/com_easydiscuss/themes/wireframe/post/replies/item.php , it should respect the setting now.
Saturday, 27 February 2021 10:24
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Thank you @Arlex
Saturday, 27 February 2021 20:46
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Thanks for updating, glad that your issues are resolved now.
Sunday, 28 February 2021 00:12
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