By Paul Fenton on Wednesday, 07 June 2017
Posted in General Issues
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Hi, I am going through a trial and error process of implementing your different methods of integrating login / registration.

I like the simplicity of the drop down menu implementation. I inserted the module into my header - which works fine on the desktop - but not on mobile. Even though the template is set up to show visibility of this module on all formats. Would you know of a reason why it is not showing? To be clear what is not showing is the two buttons Sign in and Register.

If this is a limitation of this module I would have to resort to the use of the other modules. But what is then the best way of implementing menu items for Edit profile and Account and logout. I have created a user menu with these menu items but again they do not show when a user has signed in.
Hi there,

Honestly, i am a bit lost on your issues here It seems that from my end, it is shown as you can see here

Can you explain more on how to replicate this steps by steps or maybe provide us some screenshot for better understanding.

Please advice.
Thursday, 08 June 2017 10:59
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