By Kevin Burk on Thursday, 31 January 2019
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I've asked for this many times and you still haven't incorporated it.

[bPLEASE[/b] create the ability to COPY a post rather than only to MOVE it. I teach classes in this forum. Every class has its own classroom, and there are MANY posts that I need to re-use over and over again. If I move the post, I lose it in the original forum (and can't use it in multiple classes).

At the moment, I still have to re-create the original post by hand every single time. This is silly. Copying a post to a new forum is a basic feature of virtually every other BB/Forum program I've used.
It's been over a week and no one has responded to this ticket.
Tuesday, 12 February 2019 04:07
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Hello Kevin,

This was posted in our feature request section which is not supported. Please understand that our support team is only available to assist you should you require any assistance as per our support policy at

Feature request on the other hand will be reviewed when we are beginning to work on major releases. We will review these features and if there are enough requests for the feature, we will consider implementing it in future releases.
Monday, 15 April 2019 12:41
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