By Victor on Saturday, 02 November 2013
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Hello guys,

I would like to share my opinions on some things.

When I suggested one of my writers to fill her ES profile on the site, she told me something like that "I dont know. Facebook seems more useful to everyone ." I interpreted this as "Is such a feature really necessary for us?". This made me think. Of course there is facebook and in this networking thing, big fish always eats small fishes. One company gets 99% of the share and others compete for 1%. However, I believe there is still chance to grow a community inside our site.

EasySocial now looks like facebook. One way, it is good, people know how to use facebook and they will feel easy to use ES as well. But other way, ES doesnt seem unique. (If it is copy of FB, why to use copy intead of original one?) FB features are great, but uniqueness should also be something that we should look for, I think. This uniqueness can be created even with colors, layouts, language, etc to some extent.

I believe that ES developers should consider this and maybe try to do something different that nobody does.

What do you think?

Best regards,

Hello Zafer,

I don't think EasySocial is anywhere a clone of Facebook. Firstly, take a look at our photo albums, it's not what Facebook has Although they have similar functionality like rotating photos, liking photos and commenting on photos, these are just standards that has already been set by Facebook

Then, if you try to look at the profile system, it does have similar idea where we have relationship fields and stuffs like that but it will all be pretty unique when the enhancements to the profile system take place in EasySocial 2.0 or later There's much to that than just a profile system!
Sunday, 03 November 2013 01:12
0 Votes
The groups/pages combo will be a big difference. Ability to integrate it with reviews, forums, blogs, etc is a MASSIVE difference. ES is more than a social network. It's a whole social backbone for any site. And, it is up to a site operator to really differentiate their site with custom features, themes, graphics, etc. StackIdeas has given us a tool and it is up to us to build thriving communities with it.
Sunday, 03 November 2013 03:30
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In a first glance ES is kind of FB clone, but if you think about it, why did you install ES in your website? Or why did you create your own website? Why not just create a FB account and funnel your followers to FB? At the end you think, no I still want my own website but I want my website having FB capabilities, I want to contain my followers where I can control things. For control example, as a company, employees can share pictures from company gatherings with each other from within the organization. Things like this should not or is not necessarily shared in Facebook where it is too open for public. Without ES how do you share pictures like this, usually it's shared via Email and a link to a shared drive

I have this same experience talking to some of Department Heads, the first reaction is why am I trying to reinvent Facebook. I answered, I'm not, I'm trying my best to give the company a tool that has a capability of a system that is widely used by people but this tool has focus on what our company needs. When people see Like, Friend features they thought of FB right away, they have not thought of integrations like John Whelan mentioned above, to their organization.

Have anyone experienced people in their organization, when they thought about Blog they will not think about their own organization's website has Bloggin capabilities because it has EasyBlog in it but they would instantly thought about using or other blogging system?

I guess @Zafer you have to understand that it is a normal human reaction LOL! People tends to like what they are comfortable with already and the comparison starts with a system that has same capabilities but they lose vision of the real needs of their own organization.
Sunday, 03 November 2013 04:09
0 Votes
Thank you guys for your comments!

Maybe it is the blue color or layout that gives this impression that ES and FB are like the same. So people react this. Another reason, my EB and ES didnt get integrated yet with each other. When it is done, it may also make a difference, sure.

In short, what I wanted to say that being or looking different is sometimes an attraction thing.
Sunday, 03 November 2013 04:50
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What EasySocial to me after my first month using it?
I think of EasySocial as an open-source Yammer type social networking hub instead of being a clone of Facebook. As Mark stated in another thread. We are just in the begging stages. Wait until a full year, two years, or within five years, EasySocial will evolve from what it is today to become a very powerful and flexible social communications and knowledge sharing HUB. And as mentioned above, there is complete control over how the information is shared. Facebook does not allow for this sort of flexibility and control. And an Easysocial network can be monetized, whereas Facebook gives users no revenue options for sharing information.

UI Color - is it unique enough?
As far a color, a new EasySocial Theme is in the works and should be available in v2.0 which is slated for December 2013. More themes and color options will follow, giving Administrators more color options to make the network unique to a group, organization or business.

Since using EasySocial from the early beta testing stages I have come to look at ES as being a communications and knowledge sharing HUB for niche groups, clubs, organizations,, small and medium sized companies. Particularly those with people in geaographically dispersed locations, where communication has been a challenge. Most small businesses, groups, clubs, and organizations are trying to simplify the way they communicate. As said above, Facebook is a public sharing site and its not the most appropriate place online to share communications that should only be shared within the confines of a niche network. This is where EasySocial shines.

EasySocial has Sharing and Conversations
Both Sharing and Conversations which can overcome the limitations of Emails which has become too formal and ineffective when it comes to communicating across different teams. Email is too slow and lacks the interactivity of a real time medium such as the site news feed and Conversations within EasySocial. When Pages with Groups gets added in v2.0, EasySocialmwill become an even more powerful way to communicate for niche groups, clubs, organizations or small businesses that require a more secure private network where membership is required..

EasySocial's main Benefits.
- Allows users to Connect withPeers or Experts within your own group, coub, organization or business that can help you find the best way out of any problem that you might be having in handling any specific task.
- Unlike Facebook, you will get to your Team. EasySocial and its features promotes stronger bonding between team members by making networking and work communication a little formal.
- Share files: Files can be shared between people, groups of connected people, and saved at a given location for future reference.
- Add in EasyDiscuss and its ability to create a knowledge base: This perhaps stands out as one of the biggest benefits. We are using ED right now it offers a lot of value. When new methods and ideas are produced internally in a niche group, or company every time ideas are shared, the ideas are made available to members who could be available to learn about them when first posted and discussed, but they can be found by other members at a later date and they can join in thevdiscussions and gain valueable insight. Even more important for new members, such a tool combined with EasySocial makes a much stronger knowledge communication method that Facebook.

When was the last time you went back to find something that was shared with you on Facebook a few months ago and couldn't find it? Facebook is like looking through piled up dirty plates on top of each other in a stack. The last one in is the one first out, and most information is buried in a huge pile of old dishes that are a nightmare to sort through. As EasySocial evolves, it will become more easy to sort and find information.

- EasySocial will reduce information sharing and especially email clutter: Our inboxes are already cluttered with enough mails and contacts, it often gets tedious to find an important subject and and attachment you need a week later, The combination of EasySocial as the social network hub, with the addition of EasyDiscuss, and EasyBlog and other features offered by other extensions that integrate seamlessly within Easysocial allows important information to become accessible more easily.

EasySocial or Facebook?
It's like comparing Apples and Oranges. EasySocial can be set up as a simple social sharing site, or you can build a complete knowledge sharing HUB, or many things, whereas Facebook is for public sharing of information that you want made public.

When EasySocial v1.1 is released this month, and V2.0 next month, you will come to appreciate that being a customer allows you to be part of the evolution of th extension.
Sunday, 03 November 2013 06:49
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Thanks for sharing guys
Sunday, 03 November 2013 13:06
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Its come a long way.
Wednesday, 07 July 2021 19:00
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