By Andrew Rogers on Friday, 06 December 2013
Category: EasySocial

Socialize and interact better with JFBConnect for EasySocial

It is our great pleasure to share with you that JFBConnect is now integrated with EasySocial! JFBConnect allows community managers using EasySocial customize the way new members interact in your online community. 


JFBConnect basically enables you to sign-in to your Joomla site with your own profile from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks. Additionally, you can create 'actions' that will automatically post to a user's Timeline when they interact with your site, like reading, commenting, or voting on an EasyBlog post, and more.

This generates curiousity and your friends will check out what community you've joined and may possibly join in as well. In other words, you are tapping on the power of mainstream social networks to direct traffic and increase member signups to your community powered by EasySocial. 

The JFBConnect-EasySocial combo particularly works on the profiles integration that essentially give the user easier access without that lenghty registration process. It gives full control of the registration process by automatically importing user data or pre-filling it so that the user can edit and update as needed, allowing for a smooth and fast registration experience.

This integration gives the community manager various options for the desired registration flow, all with just a few clicks of the buttons in the backend settings.

I don't want to bore you with more text, watch this video from SourceCoast, the creator of JFBConnect that now integrates with EasySocial.

 In summary, this integration helps you in the following ways:

Start your own social networking site with EasySocial and grow your network with JFBConnect today for less! Just use this coupon code EASY20 to enjoy 20% discount on JFBConnect or their Social Bundle.

P/S: This promo is only valid from 6th till 9th December 2013 at 2359 hours (UTC+8)

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