By Eddie Chow on Thursday, 16 January 2020
Category: PayPlans

PayPlans 4.1 Is Now Available

After incorporating all the bug fixes and improvements that was reported by you, we are thrilled to announce the release of PayPlans 4.1.1  ✨

In case you missed the beta posts that we published earlier, we have listed down the goodies that are packed in PayPlans 4.1. Read on to learn more ➡️

New Joomla Editor Plug-in 🔗 

With the Joomla Editor Plug-in, administrators can now insert a link into the article. This makes it super convenient for users to subscribe to plans.

By just clicking on the link in the content, they will be redirected to the checkout page.

Universal Coupon Code 🎫

Previously it was time consuming to create many different coupon codes for users to use in any possible circumstance.

In PayPlans 4.1, this is now a thing of the past as we have now introduced universal coupon conditions.

Joomla Audit-Trail 👣

​In this release, we have also integrated with Joomla's User Actions Log so that you get a birds eye view of who changed what.

You can find the full list of supported actions from our PayPlans documentation

Invoice Customisation 📝

Invoice customization was one of the most requested feature since the early days of PayPlans.

We managed to pack this into this release too! You can now tweak your invoice layout directly using Joomla articles!

Invoice Serial Number Auto-Reset 🔁 

We understand that not all customer requires this but in order to standardize with the format of invoices in EU countries, we have also added a new settings to automatically reset invoice serial counter.

When the option is enabled, the counter will get reset automatically every year.

Improved Statistical Report 📈 

​In prior versions, administrators are only able to track new sales revenue in PayPlans. With PayPlans 4.1, it now includes revenue from renewals as well.

Subscription Upgrade Accelerator 🚀 

In order to increase conversion rates for upgrades, discounts will now be displayed on the upgrade popup. 

Country Management 🚩

​Administrators can now also manage the list of available countries in PayPlans 4.1. This allows greater flexibility when it comes to managing the list of countries in PayPlans.

Improved Email Template ✨ 

The team has also optimised the layout of the e-mail templates in order to provide a much better user experience for your customers.

PayWall 🚪 

Instead of displaying a plain and boring text, we have also beautified the paywall notice that users see when they are prevented from reading the full article.

Did I also mention that it now also works with EasyBlog too?!

More Integration with EasySocial 📂

 In PayPlans 4.1, business details can now be integrated with EasySocial User Custom Fields at invoice checkout and edit preferences page.

New Settings for Stripe Payment Gateway 💳 

We are aware that certain sites have their own format preference when it comes to gathering the expiry date of credit cards.

In PayPlans 4.1, we have added a new option in Stripe payment gateway that allows admins to configure whether "MM/YYYY" or "MM/YY" should be used as the card expiry date format.

Additional Tokens💰 

​Tokens is pretty important in PayPlans when it comes to manipulating and displaying of data. Our team added two new Tax and Discount tokens that can be used in PayPlans 4.1.

Improved Cron Setting 🤖

Prior to this release, when a recurring payment is rejected by the payment gateway, PayPlans would always re-initiate and request the payment again and this would result in an infinite cycle.

With PayPlans 4.1, we have now added an explicit limit for recurring payment requests.

Re-Organize Your Payment Methods 📌​ 

You can now also re-arrange your payment methods from the back end so that your preferred choice of payment always displays first.

Search 4 Settings 🔎 

Initially rolled out on EasySocial, many of our customers loved this! We have also decided to add the same search bar in PayPlans to simplify your day to day operation.

New Pro-Rate Setting 🧮

​In the prior version, prorated amount always display on plan upgrade pop-up. In this release, we have added the option for administrators to prevent this amount from displaying on plan upgrade pop-up.

New MySql Query Setting 📨

The automation script for MySQL queries can now also be executed on recurring payments.

New Account Verification Setting 🕶 

In this release, we have added a new option that allows user's account to be automatically activated once a subscription plan activates.

This means the user's account will be automatically activated and approved without going through further verification.

Plan Modifier Option on Upgrade 🔝

Users can now select versions of a plan with varying prices/duration when upgrading their subscriptions. In the prior version, dynamic modifiers for plans do not show on the upgrade pop-up.

Previewing Email Templates 📧 

​Do you often worry about the emails that you are sending out might contain incorrect information or problematic design?

Well, we have added an email preview feature into this version of PayPlans. Administrators can now preview the layout of notification emails that are created from the back end.

Improved Order Custom Details 📝 

​In this improvement, the fields in subscription custom fields can now be used as tokens.

When these tokens are placed in areas that uses tokens, like notification emails or invoices, the information filled in by users on these fields will show.

Payment Duplication Checks ✅ 

Prior to PayPlans 4.1, there are cases where the payment notification is not sent out immediately to customers. This confuses customers and led them to make another payment on the same invoice.

With this new duplication checks, users will no longer be able to attempt to make payment on the same invoice twice if the initial payment was already successful.

Reminder 🚨 

As this is a major update, we highly recommend you to execute a full backup of your live site before proceeding to the upgrade. Once the backup has been completed, you can head over to your dashboard and download the package and install it by the installer in Joomla. 

Feel free to reach out to your support team if you require any assistance at all ! 

Thank You 🙇🏻‍♂️

We would like to thank every tester who has contributed during the Beta / RC phase. Thank you for being part of the bug buster team. We greatly appreciate it! 

All bug reports and feedback that are provided by you guys definitely helped improve the quality of this release!

Enjoy the upgrade 👾

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