By Andrew Rogers on Wednesday, 05 January 2011
Category: Easy Blog

New Year, New Ideas for Joomla! Excellence

Firstly, we'd like to wish you all Happy New Year 2011! It may be a little too late to wish but our heart says better late than never.

It's a brand new year and what better way to start it with fresh ideas and new approaches. We wouldn't want to call it resolution because it sounds stressful. A little bit of stress is OK but too much of it will restrict creative juices from flowing. So, yeah, in this blog post, we'd like to make a few announcements of what's coming your way, both for the company and our products.

Let me start with the StackIdeas team. Looking at the number of EasyBlog users going up month-by-month, we cant help but to grow as well. It's not easy dealing with growing number of paid subscribers with the small team we have so in the next month or so, we will be welcoming new mates in the team. They will be in charged of both development and designs so do expect more products coming in, with a little more better eye candy in them!

There will be a couple more new products we're aspiring to release this year. One of them will be a social topic sharing component and the other will also be a social-based component, potentially adding more value to your website

Our pioneer product, SectionEx will still be available for subscription. We will still maintain updates on it but it will not be as regular as EasyBlog. More time will be spent on developing new products. You know you want new stuff so we're focusing more on that. However, if you still haven't got SectionEx, check out what it does for your Joomla! site HERE.

As for our blogging component EasyBlog, it will have more features in store. Hold your horses now because we will be releasing the details soon, but not today. :)

This May 2011, EasyBlog will turn 1 and to celebrate it's first anniversary, we will be offering a special rate to all our paid users when they renew their subscription. It will be at a very awesome price but we're keeping it till a month before the anniversary to announce the actual price.

Wishing you all good in health and best of wealth this 2011!

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