By Andrew Rogers on Friday, 27 April 2012
Category: News

Joomla Social Solutions: Untitled with EasyBlog & EasyDiscuss

If you are aware, websites today are virtually 'owned' by the public. User generated content is the norm in today's information distribution and thanks to social networking tools, knowledge is spread across all boundaries, cultures and communities.

As a developer for Joomla components, the StackIdeas Team understands the need of users who make a stand for their own experiences. We build tools that allows users to do just that -- freedom to express their ideas and share knowledge for the benefit of others. Our EasyBlog and EasyDiscuss components give you and your users this great avenue for social collaboration.

The release of a brand new Joomla template called Untitled byThemeXpert supports our EasyBlog and EasyDiscuss in the template itself.

Web developers looking for solutions in Joomla in building an online portfolio with social network-like environment look no further -- Untitled puts a 'social title' into your Joomla website that integrates both EasyBlog and EasyDiscuss!

The combination of Untitled and EasyBlog give artists, designers and creative users a platform for displaying their masterpieces and same time publish blogs. See how EasyBlog blends into the Untitled template for Joomla:

Untitled gives a whole new feeling for EasyDiscuss. You can use EasyDiscuss to host your online discussions amongst creative thinkers. Over time, EasyDiscuss creates a pool of knowledge as more discussions take place in it.

EasyDiscuss in action:

And the best part of it all, users only need to login once into your Joomla website to post a blog or participate in discussions! No more troublesome multiple logins!

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