By LAC Webadmin on Thursday, 09 July 2015
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Hi Mark & team,

Just thought of the video which is upcoming in ES v1.4, would you guys consider or what do you guys think of adding ACL to ES views like the Video? I mean, there's no problem if the community is open to the public and every views are being displayed. But since you guys added an awesome feature which is the Lockdown mode. Using the video feature is kind of an issue at least for us where all our video are for public. With lockdown mode enabled, all our video with ES v1.4 will need a login to view and that's an issue with users.

We are currently using HWD MediaShare for video but if we can use ES video then I would want to drop another component which would make our website lighter and one less component to maintain.



I am sorry for the late reply,

I believe Lockdown mode is used to lock the site from non-registered user. So regarding your inquiry, "With lockdown mode enabled, all our video with ES v1.4 will need a login to view and that's an issue with users. yes I believe so. In order to view the video, the user need to be login to the site.

However, you can always request for future enhancement at for this video feature.

Have a nice day.
Thursday, 09 July 2015 11:22
0 Votes
Hi Mohd,

My understanding of Lockdown mode is like how Facebook is, a user has to login to see almost everything, stream, groups, search, etc. And I guess that's how ES lockdown mode is too, unless you guys designed it as an emergency offline feature which should not be.

Well, my idea of asking an ACL for ES views is also like in Facebook. When you look at facebook business pages, you don't need to login to view it. If ES puts an ACL on views I guess lockdown mode is no longer necessary, that way website admin can choose which views needs login and which does not.


Thursday, 09 July 2015 23:44
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Hello Jackson,

Thank you for your kind input. I believe it will be best if you voice up the idea in our easysocial voice page so that other user can vote for it and our developers can see it directly from there.
Friday, 10 July 2015 11:33
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