By Scott Lavelle on Friday, 21 February 2020
Posted in General Issues
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We run SEO checks using Moz and they are coming back with hundreds of errors while encountering the Composer button on the toolbar from the front end. I specifically removed the Login button on the toolbar in the admin because I don't want anyone composing from the front end. But there is no option to remove this button.

I need to have the LOGIN page be not found by SEO so it will stop erroring.

Specifically, I get 414 errors for these pages because the URLs are SO long (9,000+ characters because of the

This issue happens for all of the sites I have EasyBlog on. I am on the latest version 5.3.5 on the site where I am testing solutions for this.

How do I disable this button on the front end?
Even better, how do I disable any ability to login to the front end of EasyBlog (currently set to Joomla Login as the source)
You can try apply this following custom css from your site backend > Easyblog > theme > custom css so it will hide that compose icon on the toolbar.

body #eb .eb-toolbar__item--action .has-composer {
display: none;

Specifically, I get 414 errors for these pages because the URLs are SO long (9,000+ characters because of the

The reason why it appear long character from the login URL is because that is hash code for the redirect page URL.

For example, if you have a blog post only allow registered user can able to view it, then this user access this link maybe from an email, so system will redirect this user to login page while capture that blog post URL at the same time, so after user logged in on the site successfully then redirect this user to that blog post page.

This is what my suggestion :

1. Create a hidden menu item for Easyblog login page.

2. Set this page do not allow to index (Probably need to set "noindex,nofollow"), so all these login page will not get index by search engine like Google.
Friday, 21 February 2020 11:51
0 Votes
Thanks for the info. I already had done this in the case when I opened the support ticket. Why is there a switch turn off every other item on the toolbar but not this one? And why is there a login button that can be turned on or off yet even when off, indicating you don't want login from the front end, this icon is still there. Why have a login button at all,
Friday, 21 February 2020 19:36
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Hey there,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here.

Thanks for the info. I already had done this in the case when I opened the support ticket. Why is there a switch turn off every other item on the toolbar but not this one?

Actually that compose icon control by ACL, if the user have permission to write/publish a new blog post on the site, this compose icon will always show unless this user do not have permission to write/publish blog post on the site.

And why is there a login button that can be turned on or off yet even when off, indicating you don't want login from the front end, this icon is still there. Why have a login button at all,

I am not quite sure I understand you here, do you mean when you turn off "Display Login" setting from backend, this login icon still appear on the toolbar?

If that is the case, can you update your current staging site backend specific URL so we can better have a look? Because when I trying to access this URL then it will redirect back to your site homepage, then I access a few time, i will get this following message :

You have been blocked from our site due to exceptions to our security rules. Contact us directly if you feel that this blocking is in error or to be unblocked.
Saturday, 22 February 2020 11:21
0 Votes
As far as the composer icon...this is showing when I am logging into a completely different browser and I am not logged in at all. Obviously I am not seeing this because I am logged in and have acl permission. If that were the case, it wouldn't be asking me to login. Also, this happens with tht MOZ scanner which is seeing that button and following it to a login page.

What I was asking about the login icon itself was about the same thing. If the composer Icon is effectively a login button anyway, why have both?
Saturday, 22 February 2020 21:19
0 Votes
As far as the composer icon...this is showing when I am logging into a completely different browser and I am not logged in at all. Obviously I am not seeing this because I am logged in and have acl permission. If that were the case, it wouldn't be asking me to login. Also, this happens with tht MOZ scanner which is seeing that button and following it to a login page.

I see, it should be the ACL there is not store the correct value so caused this issue.

Can you check this following thing and see if this could help?

1. Check what is your current guest user group you set , make sure that is "guest" user group either public or guest. (remember click save button even you didn't make any changes.)

2. Then go to your backend > Easyblog > ACL > edit public and guest user group , click save button again.

3. Check again on the frontend and see whether that composer icon still showing out or not.

If yes, can you update your site backend and FTP access so we can better have a check?
Sunday, 23 February 2020 10:52
0 Votes
Ok - so I looked into your suggestions.

The Guest group was properly connected to the "Guest" type in the User Options.
The ACL in the Easy Blog section was set to have the toolbar visible to both Guest and Public Levels.

I went into each ACL for Guest and Public, changed NOTHING, and saved. The icon is now gone from the front end.

Why is this? I have other sites that are using this as well. Is this a bug that is going to be fixed with an update or do I have to go and check every site I have it on and "save" each ones ACL to "reset" whatever that is doing?
Wednesday, 26 February 2020 06:20
0 Votes
Why is this? I have other sites that are using this as well. Is this a bug that is going to be fixed with an update or do I have to go and check every site I have it on and "save" each ones ACL to "reset" whatever that is doing?

I was unable to replicate this issue in my locally, it would be best if you can provide us one of the domain site backend and FTP access so we can better have a check this.
Wednesday, 26 February 2020 10:38
0 Votes
Is this a bug that is going to be fixed with an update or do I have to go and check every site I have it on and "save" each ones ACL to "reset" whatever that is doing?

Currently I am not sure that is bug or not since I was unable to replicate this in locally, for now if you saw some of the site which showing this composer icon on toolbar for guest user, then you have to resave it for the guest/public user group from backend > Easyblog > ACL .
Wednesday, 26 February 2020 10:40
0 Votes
I understand what I need to do to correct it where it exists. My question is why would it exist.

I have found this to be the case on a few sites so far, and the process of going into the admin, going to the EasyBlog ACL and simple opening each Public and Guest and saving with no changes fixes it.

It seems that it broke and caused this issue somewhere between 5.2.6 (not showing the icon) and 5.3.3 (showing icon until ACL modified). In the case of this example, the production site (5.2.6) was cloned to a different server for development and then the production copy was updated to 5.3.3. The Development version that is still on 5.2.6 did NOT have the problem and the upgraded version that is still in production then DID have the problem.
Wednesday, 26 February 2020 22:39
0 Votes
So what you trying to tell me is, this issue only happen on after upgrade to Easyblog 5.3.3?

If that is the case, I will test this in my locally and see if we can reproduce this issue during upgrade.
Thursday, 27 February 2020 11:10
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