By Dom Cassone on Monday, 24 November 2014
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First of all, why do we need a cron job set up anyway?

Second, in you cron command string you have:
*/5 * * * * /bin/wget -O /dev/null "

I assume that we replace with our url...correct?

Hello Dom,

The cron job is used to run the cron URL for your site. Easydiscuss use cron URL to check whether there are emails to be sent or any remote publishing to get imported. I believe you want the users to get the email notification when there is a new question/reply posted in your site. With cronjob, you don't have to run the Cron URL manually to get the emails sent.

Yes, you have to change to your URL. One more thing, you need to make sure the wget path (/bin/wget) is correct for your server. Every server has different wget path. You might want to consult with your hosting provider for the correct path.
Monday, 24 November 2014 11:08
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