By zenghualu on Tuesday, 10 December 2013
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i want blow feature,could you tell me the easydisscus how to complete it

new user have 20 points.
ask one question must take some points that user decide it.
user can buy points by paypal or credit card
user decide the answer ,then the points give the user who answer"s author

What you can do is to instead of adding points for user when they post a new question, do it in a reverse manner. In other words, their points would be negative when they post a new question.

Here's how your workflow should be:

1. New user registers on the site (+20 points) [Uses EasySocial to achieve this]
2. New discussion posted on the site (-5 points) [Uses EasySocial to achieve this]
3. As for buying points, we don't have any methods for user to buy points yet at this point of time.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013 22:08
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