By Tim on Thursday, 20 March 2014
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Struggling to get updated to 1.2.1. I've restored back to full backup 4 times now. auto-updater, just the launcher, full installer all result in similar problems.

I've restored to full backup that is on version 1.1.6 until you can investigate.

From 1.1.6, The self-updater throws the error:
There are some changes made on the launcher for the latest version. Please re-download the launcher from our site at

When I install just the updated launcher, all appears ok and although the control panel will say EasySocial is current, I get SQL errors on certain things. Its almost like the SQL portion of the update is not being initiated or something.

Once on 1.2.1, if I go into the Admin->Groups settings, I get the following error:
500 View not found [name, type, prefix]: groups, html, easysocialView

Is there some undocumented step I'm missing that actually initiates the upgrade process once I've installed the launcher using the normal joomla installer?

The notice that comes up after install of launcher says something like I need to run through the initial setup if this is a new install but I should ignore the message if this is an upgrade and proceed with the upgrade process. is there some other step I need to proceed with?

Let me know.

I've successfully upgraded EasySocial on your site to 1.2.

Perhaps you've noticed that you site goes in to a redirect loop.

This is because you've set the dashboard of EasySocial page to accessible by Authors usergroup only. Hence Joomla automatically tries to redirect it to Joomla's native login layout, but because EasySocial's system plugin is enabled, EasySocial's system plugin then tries to redirect it again back to EasySocial's dashboard page, causing a redirect loop.

I've added a hidden menu item in your site "EasySocial Login".


You might be having siimilar issues. Do check on the menu item access.
Thursday, 20 March 2014 14:20
0 Votes
When I upgraded to EasySocial 1.2.1 my site created a redirection bucle message and I couldn't access to any page. Now I restore a backup and I decide to wait to further information.
Thursday, 20 March 2014 05:47
0 Votes
Thank You. Things are looking good.
I really appreciate the fix for the redirect loop. I was aware of it, just wasn't sure what the problem was.
Thursday, 20 March 2014 22:38
0 Votes
Thanks for updating Tim, glad that your issues are resolved now
Friday, 21 March 2014 10:47
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