I updated to EasyBlog 3.9.15054 and also updated EasySocial to v 1.0.6 and then I created a new blog post. It had an image and short post. I encountered a 1242 error message upon posting the blog item:
Subquery returns more than 1 row SQL=update ov8sp_social_stream set ispublic = '1' where `id` = ( select `uid` from `ov8sp_social_stream_item` where `context_type` = 'blog' and `context_id` = '4')
I also have two blog post items in the EasySocial Stream.
Subquery returns more than 1 row SQL=update ov8sp_social_stream set ispublic = '1' where `id` = ( select `uid` from `ov8sp_social_stream_item` where `context_type` = 'blog' and `context_id` = '4')
I also have two blog post items in the EasySocial Stream.