By Andre on Tuesday, 09 March 2021
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Hello Team,

The management and access to videos only works for EasySocial.
When a user uploads a video into EasyDiscuss, this video doesn't show up in the video categories of EasySocial.
Thus, the same video might be uploaded several times.

All media objects like videos, audio, pictures and or polls should be manage centrally in one spot.
i agree, use existing media data from easysocial in the other tools like EB an ED is needed.
here we have a upcoming example about polls block for EB:
this is the right direction to use existing data also in other tools from stackideas.

i hope there are also soon a video and album block to choose from stored ES data to use them in EB blog posts as blocks.
Tuesday, 09 March 2021 20:13
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