By David Judah on Tuesday, 29 October 2013
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HI there,

I would like to have two types of profiles in my site. One would be free with limited functions and the other paid which would allow full usage. My question here is as follows. I think ideally I would want a user to register as a free user and then if they want to, they can then upgrade to a 'paid' membership.

How do I do that?
David - Is what you're looking for here: Backend > Components > EasySocial > Users... Then you can select one or multiple users using the check boxes next to their names and then click 'Switch Profile' to reassign them.

If you're looking for a way for users to do this for themselves at the front-end, I think that becomes a feature request for posting on the VOICES section (which you probably know where is - if not see StackIdeas blog about it for more info)
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 00:48
0 Votes
Thank you for your answer Andy,

I still have a few questions:

1) when you say that I can change through the backend. Do you mean that i should change it through the EasySocial component or through Joomla.

2) Don't you think that it is a bit unsustainable to do things this way?

3) What third party app could I use?

4) If I did with profile to a different one, won't they loose all their profile description? (like their birthday, gender, and all the things I asked them to fill the first time they registered?).

Thank you for your help.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013 19:48
0 Votes
Hi David ... Based on my understanding answers are:

1. BackEnd > EasySocial > Users
2. It's fine up until a point I suppose - depends on volume of people you have becoming free > paid as to whether a manual solution is practical or not
3. I don't think there's one available now - but I suspect one could be developed (or add the request to the 'Voices' feature requests if you haven't already
4. Yes I think you do lose any info that isn't common. I think (but best to test it to confirm this) though it's ok if fields are on both profiles. Eg if you have gender field on both your profiles, then its data would survive the switch.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013 20:36
0 Votes
Hi Andy,

Thank you for your answer. I have been playing with it for some time and I am alarmed to discover that there is not way to move a user from one type of profile to another!! Could this be true?? I am very worried about that. It looks like a user would have to delete their account and register for a new one.

In EasyBlog and EasyDiscuss, Stackideas used ACL to determine a user's capabilities. In EasySocial there is another inner system ('Profile') which is similar to ACL. The problem is that it is possible to change a user from one user group to another as it works with Joomla's ACL, but it will not work on EasySocial.

I would appreciate a quick response.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013 22:24
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Thank you !!!!!
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 02:48
0 Votes
Hello David,

The application for subscriptions is Jpayplans
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 04:05
0 Votes
Hi Christiano,

Thanks for the link but I understood that JPayPlans do not have integration with EasySocial yet. Did you hear otherwise?
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 04:24
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