By Andy on Saturday, 02 November 2013
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Just throwing this out here (unlikely to get enough votes on Voices to be noticed but I think it's important)

The EasySocial Toolbar is beautiful and now spans my whole site thanks to the Module.... I have EasyBlog too - Could one of the nice tidy icons on the left of the EasySocial Toolbar be a link to my user's EasyBlog Dashboard?

In the latest version of EasyBlog, you can enable EasySocial's toolbar by going to EasyBlog -> Settings -> Integration -> EasySocial
Saturday, 02 November 2013 09:05
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Hi Jason - Sorry that's not what I meant.... I meant it would be cool if the integration was so tight that on the EASYSOCIAL toolbar there was an icon to get to the user's EASYBLOG dashboard...

So on the EASYSOCIAL Toolbar right now you have icons on the left... COMMUNITY DASHBOARD / FRIENDS / CONVERSATIONS / NOTIFICATIONS...

What I'm saying is it would be super cool and functional for their to be an EASYBLOG DASHBOARD icon - probably next to the COMMUNITY DASHBOARD icon for anyone that has EASYBLOG installed.
Saturday, 02 November 2013 18:57
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