By Josh Lewis on Thursday, 12 June 2014
Posted in General Issues
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Once ID's are removed from the URL's (assumption) and the StackIdea's swap to Joomla's new url method when it comes out, what will the use of permalinks be? An alias? Use it if you want it?

Once Joomla achieves IDless pages, I really do hope that EasySocial follows in the foot steps of Joomla to have IDless URL's.

This thread is more of something to think upon or raising awareness to the future of EasySocial.
Hello Josh,

To be honest, I am not really sure how possible it would be without having an "id" as an identifier in the URL. If you are dealing with purely english urls, it's perfectly fine. When it comes with unicode characters, it's definitely going to be chaotic!
Thursday, 12 June 2014 10:50
0 Votes
How do SEF component system's work? I figured they translated accordingly for other languages. The alias would act as the unique identifier for that specific menu item. For years Joomla has required all aliases to be unique when it comes to articles.

If a SEF component can do it, why not Joomla? By the sounds of it, it's going to be built into the core of Joomla unless there is some major issue with it.
Thursday, 12 June 2014 11:08
0 Votes
Hello Josh,

When you are dealing with unicode strings, it's an entire different league altogether
Thursday, 12 June 2014 18:58
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