By William Wakefield on Saturday, 11 March 2017
Posted in Pre Sales
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Thank you for you help so far in deciding about/on EasySocial.

We have a couple of final questions that I'd like to get input on from members. I apologize for two topics in a single post.

1. How well would subscription models / billing work. I was able to find on addon that seems to offer subscription payments / billing, but from their support forum and lack of ratings / reviews I am not at all clear whether it would be a sufficient solution. Are there other payment modules available?

2. We plan to offer membership at a minimum of free, standard and premium levels. Possible another level might be added in the future. Access to some content would be based upon membership level.

In EasySocial I see the option to create additional profile types. Then in, say a blog post, I see the drop down to set access by anyone, registered, friends, etc. I assume as I add new profiles, they would automatically be included in the drop down options.

However, I can't tell if these privileges can "roll up" to higher levels of membership. I.e. I assume a registered member could see everything "anyone" could see by default since they are 'anyone'.

But if I have a standard level and a premium level, and the premium level would be able to access all content available to anyone, standard and of premium levels. When I designate content for a "standard" level" how do I also make it available to the premium level?

The profile creator only allows hierarchies based upon standard Joomla groups as far as I can tell. Similarly, in K2 or Komento, the ACL only allows setting of privileges by function such as edit or write, not be content area or user group designations.

It's possible we might be able to make something from creating a new hierarchy in Joomla, but would it become available in EasyBlog/Komento as well? Would it then automatically allow higher hierarchies to inherit permissions from lower hierarchies?

If the general gist of this question is clear, I need to understand how to set subscription levels for content, whether multiple levels are allows with either a multi-select option or hierarchical levels, and whether payment modules are sufficiently supported to allow set up of subscription payments. Obviously, we would prefer this be integrated and automatic, but are willing to live with manual until growth permits the provisioning of custom code.
Hello William,

EasySocial does not currently have a subscription model but this is being planned for our upcoming releases. Ideally paid subscriptions should revolve around the profile types in EasySocial as it makes perfect sense in doing that. The main reason is because the profile types in EasySocial are tied to a very robust ACL system.

For instance, you could have 2 types of profile where profile A has the ability to create groups while profile B doesn't. In that sense, if users would like to create groups, they would need to be in profile A and they could probably pay for it.

To be honest, I have never experimented with any of the 3rd party subscription models but I do see some people using OSMembership and Payplans. However, it's best that you consult with the respective extension providers to see if they do support EasySocial out of the box.
Saturday, 11 March 2017 13:39
0 Votes
Thanks. PayPlans looks like it might have possibilities. I am communicating with them to find out more.

It is still unclear to me whether a user can be assigned two profiles (or content can be assigned to be accessible to two profile types)?

I.e. - I post an article that should be accessible to both Standard and Premium profile types. How do I do this? Do I have to post the article twice? It looks like I can only select a single profile type in the drop down.

Alternatively, Premium profile type is set to inherit permissions from Standard profile type, so any content flagged for Standard would automatically be available to Premium profile type.
Saturday, 11 March 2017 20:48
0 Votes
Hello William,

At any point of time, a user can only be associated with 1 profile type. When you mean post an article, do you mean posting a blog or?
Sunday, 12 March 2017 16:12
0 Votes

Either Blog, Article, Video or Files. Our community will be centered around content with higher levels able to access content not available to lower levels.

I will need to get a quote on how much it might cost to allow more than one profile type to access content I think to make this work. Otherwise, I may have to go with another package even though I'm very impressed with the architecture of EasySocial.
Monday, 13 March 2017 22:09
0 Votes
Hello William,

Unfortunately it is not possible to allow a user to be on multiple profile types as the architecture doesn't support it. It's going to be confusing though because if a user is in multiple profile types, their ACL would be conflicting as it wouldn't know which permissions should be inherited from.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017 13:22
0 Votes
Inherited is best if that works for content access. Looking at extensions such as CB, adding a profile type into the hierarchy allows for inherited rights - which works just fine.

I simply can't tell from the demo whether the same access rights will be inherited for content or not. For the CB demo, as an example, they have user, moderator and admin logins available - so I was able to experiment with posting to see whether rights are inherited.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017 13:41
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So - trying to test. I set up a new user group - premium in Admin. When I go to a blog post, it does not show up in the drop down.

I can't seem to create a new article in Komento via the Admin user.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017 13:46
0 Votes
Hello William,

Sorry but I am a little confused here. Are you testing this on EasyBlog, EasySocial or Joomla articles?
Friday, 17 March 2017 01:09
0 Votes
Testing on EasySocial demo page with all 4 modules installed.
Friday, 17 March 2017 03:04
0 Votes
Hello William,

Komento is a commenting tool and you shouldn't be creating articles with Komento. Instead, if you want to add a blog on your site, you'll need to use EasyBlog.

With the integrations between EasyBlog and EasySocial, you can't really pick a permission when you are composing a blog post as the integration currently allows you to compose a blog post that is visible by either of the following,

If you are creating articles with Joomla, you can associate the article with specific user groups in Joomla as you can see here, . Each profile type in EasySocial can be associated with one or more user group in Joomla as you can see here,
Saturday, 18 March 2017 14:46
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