By vcdm on Tuesday, 17 November 2015
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I have a new project I am working on and need to create a communication platform for kids and mentors. The idea is that while onlin kids can start topics and only themselves and mentors can communicate/comment on these topics - 1 kid only has 1 mentor, 1 mentor can only work with 1 kid.

There are 2 more people who would be able to see the communication - program facilitator who provides curriculum / topics kids can discuss with and get advice on from mentors, and administrator.

Administrator role is to oversee all communication between kid and mentor in order to maintain the integrity of the program and protect the platform from being abused / prevent kids from ending up in an inappropriate situation.

I would need to have email notifications sent to kid, mentor and admin every time a new topic is created and a comment has been posted from either kid or mentor.

Flow of information would be as follows:

Thursday: Program staff sends an email message out to all of the mentors that tells them what their kids are learning about in class that week. It is something that pertains to education and their experience in college. The mentors are prompted to think about their college experience and how that issue worked out in their life.

Friday: Staff does a lesson in class and has the kids write a topic about the lesson. Mentor is notified of the new letter/topic on the site

Saturday – Wednesday: The mentors post comments to the letter on the website. Kids get email notification of the comments and post their own on the same topic.

All of the messages between mentors and kids need to be set up so they can be monitored by the staff.

Can this be accomplished / How can I set this up with Easy discuss.
I missed up something in my previous reply, if you modify this file JoomlaFolder\components\com_easydiscuss\themes\simplistic\form.user.edit.php, you can override this theme file into your current template file, for example :

Thursday, 07 April 2016 10:33
0 Votes
Hey Petar,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply,

Yes, you described your requirement at above, that was possible to do it in Easydiscuss, perhaps you can provide us with your Joomla backend and FTP access into so we can help you setup then I will explain it after done.
Wednesday, 18 November 2015 17:28
0 Votes
Hi Arlex,

I have submitted admin & ftp access via link you provided.

Thank you for your help. I appreciate it very much.
Wednesday, 18 November 2015 19:12
0 Votes
Hey Petar,

I am sorry for the delay of this reply,

I would like to ask if the kids posted a discussion in your site, this discussion topic and inside the reply can viewable for everyone?

By the way, I have created 2 new user account in your site for example :

#1. member (kid)
#2. administrator1 (moderator)

So when `member` created a new discussion in your forum, the system will notify to Superadmin.

Then Superadmin will go to that discussion page and assign to `administrator1` to manage this kid discussion.

After that `administrator1` will receive an email notification superadmin already assigned that discussion to him.

May i know I described this process is it meet your current requirement?

For the email notification I will apply some fix in your site, but I've tried to connect with your FTP server then I hitting this following error :
Response:	530 Login authentication failed
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server

Please advise.
Thursday, 19 November 2015 10:23
0 Votes
Thank you for the help. I was able to sort most of this out...

There's one thing I can't seem to figure out...

We are locking down as many things as possible so only admin will be creating topics and registered users are only allowed to comment.

Organization will manage their profiles on their behalf.

I am looking for a way to prevent "registered" users from editing their own profiles, usernames, emails, pictures, descriptions etc - How do I do that?
Tuesday, 05 April 2016 12:38
0 Votes
Hey Petar,

Unfortunately this cannot be controlled on EasyDiscuss. However, if you are using EasySocial as your profile system, you could control this by not allowing this fields to appear when the user edits their profile.

You can find fields these under Profile Types > [Click on the Profile type] > Custom fields tab.
Tuesday, 05 April 2016 14:16
0 Votes
Hi Mark,

I need to have this feature or appearance of feature and this is what I came up with:

1) Working - Hide Profile Edit links with CSS.
2) Working - Redirect /profile/edit to another page using Admin Tools redirect feature
3) NOT Working - Redirect non-SEF links to profile edit to another page
- dashboard?option=com_easydiscuss&view=profile&layout=edit&Itemid=723
- index.php?option=com_easydiscuss&view=profile&layout=edit&Itemid=723

In #3 links keep redirecting to each other and are not following redirect rule I created (same as for #2) - I am hoping you have a way to do this redirect these?

Suggestion... Edit profile link div is the only one without its own class and it would be nice if it was included in the future (see image screenshot) :

<div class="discuss-user">

<div class="discuss-avatar avatar-large"></div>
<div class="discuss-online-status mt-5"></div>
<div class="MISSING CLASS FOR EDIT PROFILE mt-10 mb-15">
<a class="btn btn-small" href="/profile/edit">
<i class="icon-edit"></i> Edit My Profile </a>
<div class="discuss-user-point mt-10 mb-15"></div>

Wednesday, 06 April 2016 05:35
0 Votes
It seems like you provided that site details ( ) do not have install Easydiscuss yet.

3) NOT Working - Redirect non-SEF links to profile edit to another page
- dashboard?option=com_easydiscuss&view=profile&layout=edit&Itemid=723
- index.php?option=com_easydiscuss&view=profile&layout=edit&Itemid=723

In #3 links keep redirecting to each other and are not following redirect rule I created (same as for #2) - I am hoping you have a way to do this redirect these?

I think that would be best if you have to modify the code file.
JoomlaFolder\components\com_easydiscuss\views\profile\view.html.php -> at this function edit

Suggestion... Edit profile link div is the only one without its own class and it would be nice if it was included in the future (see image screenshot) :

In Easydiscuss 4, that edit profile link will only appear on toolbar drop down button.
Wednesday, 06 April 2016 13:32
0 Votes
I have the install on the live site and it is no longer on the demo server.

Is it possible to override the JoomlaFolder\components\com_easydiscuss\views\profile\view.html.php using Joomla overrides folder?
Thursday, 07 April 2016 06:51
0 Votes
Unfortunately that was not possible to override that file in Joomla.

But you can add this following code into theme file -> JoomlaFolder\components\com_easydiscuss\themes\simplistic\form.user.edit.php

$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('Sorry, you are not allowed to edit your user profile.'), 'error');
return false;

You can refer on my attached screenshot below.
Thursday, 07 April 2016 10:15
0 Votes
Thanks I will try and let you know the outcome.
Thursday, 07 April 2016 10:21
0 Votes
Thanks, that worked perfectly .
Thursday, 07 April 2016 16:34
0 Votes
Hi there,

You are most welcome. Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved now.

As a gentle reminder, kindly start a new thread if you have any other issue in the future so it will be easier for us to manage your inquiry. I will lock and mark this thread as resolved.
Thursday, 07 April 2016 16:37
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