By Raani on Monday, 23 March 2015
Posted in Pre Sales
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Several of the social networking scripts come with a one-time fee, which means you get updated versions as they come but may or may not pay for any support that you need depending on the nature of the support.

I am trying to understand the price structure here which is $89 initially. Which means after the first year if there are two updated versions per year, yearly price will be $89 x 2 . For next 5 years (assuming 2 versions every year) it will be $89 x 2 x 5 = $890 !!

Is there any chance of Support & Updates (6 months) being made Support & Updates (12 months)

I understand that this includes Support and Help-desk but for hobby or small sites with not so much financial backup, and who can do some self-support or support from the open php communities, this amount is really high. To this may be added the cost of some customization or extensions that may not be covered by EasySocial's routine support (maybe or maynot be)

One more question here : Can, for example, version 1.4 be directly upgraded to say, 1.8 or 2.00 directly without any hassle or database problems?

The other issue on price is :
Will it remain same ? Will it remain same if there is change of owners ? (Will code quality and sustained dev be maintained?)
While in open and free community like Drupal or Joomla or Wordpress it is almost guaranteed that the main and actual product will never die, what happens if Easysocial as is now "dies" down the next 4 or 6 or 10 years - the personal cost of resurrection (even if its a small hobby site but a site which is must for me)? I have experience of purchasing 2 scripts in past whose website and support literally vanished afterwards. It happens and initially they looked so solid and trustworthy!
I am not asking about any guarantee as private projects (not backed by open community like the WP or Joomla or Drupal etc) cannot give any guarantee or even if gives, it may not be sustained - the company may be sold, Devs may get better jobs etc etc. I am just asking the opinion.

Thanks very much for your input.
Hello Raani,

Thanks for the heads up on this and i appreciate it very much. Unfortunately the business model for and is not something that could be applied on Joomla extensions I am afraid. It's a really niche market unlike Wordpress.

I don't think the company would be sold to anyone as I am not a fan of such business operand. If God forbid the lead developer, that is really nothing we can do but we have a really talented team here, so unless God forbids so many lives at once, I think we're good
Monday, 23 March 2015 21:31
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Hi Raani,

Thank you for your inquiry. Justin here, from Stack Ideas' marketing team. I have to say that those are a very, very good questions.

Currently, the price is not only for the component itself, but rather for the support that we provide. We are a registered establishment that hires and run by real people. Though our main target is to give back to the community, we do need revenues to ensure that we're able to sustain the establishment. This is the tricky part especially for the Marketing team; we don't want to charge our users but at the same time we do need revenues to sustain ourselves.

That is why we have the current pricing plan. Kindly take note that actually, renewing is completely optional. You can opt to not renew until you feel that it is the right time for you to do so.

We used to offer a 12 months support instead of a 6 months support to our early-adopters, but we no longer open this option. The price for this package is cheaper than the current plan's price * 2. Should you wish to know more of this, do write to our Marketing team via our CRM and we will elaborate more on it.

For your upgrading inquiry; there are certain versions which have a major database changes. However, for these special cases, we will usually create a maintenance script to assist you with the upgrading process. Of course, this does not apply if you're holding a legacy code (for instance, upgrading from EasySocial 1.0 to EasySocial 1.4).

As for your third inquiry, I apologize as I am not exactly clear about it. I believe that we won't be abandoning our components, we put our heart and soul into it. However, I might have misinterpret your inquiry, do elaborate more and I'll try to answer it to the best of my abilities.
Monday, 23 March 2015 14:15
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Hello Ahmad Justin

Thanks for explaining. I do understand the points you say. That is how business operates - no problem with that.
On the client side (that is, us ) some extra cost is involved for example for issues like - so the price adds up to more than that is marketed.

Just as a side-note, maybe sometimes the business or commercial layer can be kept separated. This actually has the potential to bring more money to the establishment - for example wordpress com and wordpress org. The org benefits tremendously from code and supplements as it is open to the community, which would not have been possible if it was just an establishment - on the other hand this contributions make wordpress com more richer in its applications and consequently bring more money with hosted services, vip services and other stuffs

The third query is an assumption - what happens if the company is sold or if the lead Developers get a better job or project (=better money) elsewhere or God forbid the lead Developer dies ( it happened with Yogurt - the social component of Xoops) ??
With open and free communities like Drupal or Wordpress org or Joomla or scripts using github the code is available to the community to carry on but in private. closed projects like this the chance is less. It is not saying that you will abandon or you are not giving your 100% but future is unknown to us.
Its not just issue of price in such situation - the adoption of the script for usage on my site can then become problematic if not supported or updated in future or if the future team does not have the same quality and dedication. That is why I just wanted to know people's opinion

Thanks again.
Monday, 23 March 2015 17:48
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