By Anders Lolk Vestergaard on Sunday, 16 February 2020
Posted in General Issues
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When creating an article from backend, it is possible to set Status as Unpublished. I can't find that option when creating an article from frontend using EasyArticle composer.

I can see the option in Dashboard -> Post, but not in the composer. Isn't it possible to select "Unpublished" doing creation. I know, that it can be set as Draft, but that isn't what I want.

Can you help me?
It is the current behavior in EasyArticles, if you would like to publish your article on specific date, perhaps you can set the schedule date for this article, so it will automatically publish this on that specific day.

Having said that, if you urgent to have this into your site, you can always request for a quote from us at and select "Customizations" . Our sales person would gladly send you a quote for the customization that you have requested.
Monday, 17 February 2020 11:11
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