How to do that?
It seems like currently do not have a setting to disable this, but you can apply this following custom css into your current template css file location, so it will hide that subcategory section.
JoomlaFolder/templates/rt_anacron/html/com_easydiscuss/css/custom.css" (you have to manually create those new folder and file)
body #ed.view-forums .o-flag .o-grid.t-lg-mt--md {
display: none;
And one more questions:
Is it possible when you navigate to Category from the Toolbar they start Hiden and then you click the Arrow to show them? Right not by default they are open
Unfortunately currently we do not have setting to switch over this behaviour.
You can see there is a bug in the layout:
You see where is Posted By and Last Reply...The correct layout is in the first link and i want to be the same like in the forum view
Thanks for reported, i will lock this issue into our issue tracker.
By the way, you can apply this following custom css into
JoomlaFolder/templates/rt_anacron/html/com_easydiscuss/css/custom.css" to fix this.
body #ed.view-forums .ed-forum__hd .o-col-sm.ed-forum-item__col-avatar {
vertical-align : bottom;