By Finn Hyttel on Friday, 01 November 2013
Posted in General Issues
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Will it be possible to run two Forums at one web site using EasyDiscuss; a B2B Forum and a open Forum for both private individuals and companies.

Hello Finn Hyttel,

Sorry for late reply to this,
In my suggestion, it is possible to do this but it cannot run 2 forum in 1 site, just make a technical categories permission setting which group can view the categories, which can't view that categories in 1 forum.
You need to set the categories permission from your backend example :

First (Public Categories)-> Create a categories can allow all the user view, reply and create new discussion set from backend > Component > Easydiscuss > Categories > Permission tab
Who can select this category when creating discussion -> Registered and Guest group
Who can view discussion in this category -> Registered and Guest group
Who can reply discussion in this category -> Registered and Guest group
Who can view replies in this category -> Registered and Guest group
Who can moderate this category -> SuperUser group

See the video link >

Second (Private Categories) -> Create a categories and set the permission :
Who can select this category when creating discussion -> Administrator group
Who can view discussion in this category -> Administrator group
Who can reply discussion in this category -> Administrator group
Who can view replies in this category -> Administrator group
Who can moderate this category -> SuperUser group

Hope you can understand my explanation.

Best Regards
Friday, 01 November 2013 18:23
0 Votes
Hi Arlex,

Thanks a lot for your explanation and the little video.

At the moment we are gather the information we need for our requirement spec for a larger combined development at our web site which both EasyDiscuss and EasyBlog and Komento is a part of.

If I need more information or support I will come back to you.

All the best,
Friday, 01 November 2013 19:06
0 Votes
Hello Finn,

You're welcome. keep us updated then.

Best Regards
Friday, 01 November 2013 19:27
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