By Joomlafans on Monday, 13 August 2018
Posted in General Issues
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I really need EasyArticles to resize cover images automatically upon upload. and preferably create two copies, a small copy or a crop for the front page thumbnails and a large copy for the full article. is there anyway I can achieve that?

EeasyArticles is one of if not the best Joomla front end editor I have came across so far. and it being a front end editor it is perfect for end users and clients who are not necessarily tech savvy. which brings me to my next point. less tech-savvy clients tend to upload cover pictures of different sizes and different aspect ratios specially if they crop images before uploading them. Article thumbnails of different heights can break the aesthetic of the front/blog view and make it look very messy and unprofessional.

EeasyArticles uses the same image for category/blog/front page thumbnails and in the full article cover picture. This can dramatically slow down loading times of the category/blog/front page when many article thumbnails are on display. and for this a professional web developer can not advice the use of EasyArticles to his clients from a site-optimization/SEO point of view.

in my humble opinion, automatically resizing cover images on upload and having the option to set different image sizes for both the main cover image and thumbnail view image and perhaps a crop size option should be built in and implemented in a future update. this will make EasyArticles more attractive for professional developers and end users alike.
Hi Joomlafans,

Thanks for your feedback and suggestions regarding image upload behavior on EasyArticles.

Since the editor in Joomla articles have the option to place different images in the listing/entry page, perhaps we can also add this option in EasyArticles. That way, authors can upload smaller sized images for the listing page, which can improve page optimization as you mentioned.
Monday, 13 August 2018 15:44
0 Votes
Thanks for your feedback and suggestions regarding image upload behavior on EasyArticles.

You are welcome and I am happy to assist the community in anyway I can. Joomla is an open source platform with an expansive community behind it. and the more we collaborate and exchange ideas the better Joomla becomes for everyone

Since the editor in Joomla articles have the option to place different images in the listing/entry page, perhaps we can also add this option in EasyArticles

That would be a step in the right direction indeed. but why stop there? EasyArticles already has an option to resize images if they are too large and the option to define a specific size. why not add more options to auto resize thumbnail and full article images with custom size input options and a crop option?

Remember that when someone chooses an editor that means they will be using it regularly if not everyday. therefor any small detail that slows down workflow can be enough for some to choose an alternative solution.

You have put so much effort into making EasyArticles as nice as it is now it would be a shame to leave out smaller details that can have significant influence on the users decision to buy it. and with Joomla 4 on the way and the emphasis on site integrators and site builders its a perfect time to implement extra useful features that make EasyArticles more attractive for site builders and their clients.

In the mean time. is there anyway I can adjust a code somewhere and implement auto resize cover photo on upload?
Monday, 13 August 2018 17:36
0 Votes
Hey Joomlafans,

From what you are describing, it appears that you are looking to have the image resizing to be as expansive as the one on EasyBlog.

It would be best if you can submit a feature request regarding this at EasyArticles "Feature Request" category so that everyone else could vote for it. We will prioritize this feature during the development process for the next major version of EasyArticles if many request on this.
is there anyway I can adjust a code somewhere and implement auto resize cover photo on upload?
Do you mean the auto resize where it creates several size variations? You would probably have to hack core files if that's the case.
Monday, 13 August 2018 19:34
0 Votes
Do you mean the auto resize where it creates several size variations? You would probably have to hack core files if that's the case.

I mean to auto resize the default cover image. so what ever size or aspect the client uploads it will always be resized to a specific height and width and wont break the aesthetic of the front page. This will do for now.
Monday, 13 August 2018 19:40
0 Votes
Hey Joomlafans,

Currently it is not possible to fixate the resize dimension on the exact values because the aspect ratio of the image will still be respected so that the image is not distorted(eg: portrait image).

Perhaps you can try using custom css instead at the listing page to adjust the image dimensions? If you are unsure of how to do this, can you provide me access and link to your listing page so I can take a look?
Tuesday, 14 August 2018 11:09
0 Votes
Hello Raymond.

I have applied the custom css override. however this also effects thumbnails of an html/css image gallery on a different page which is not ideal.
Tuesday, 14 August 2018 15:32
0 Votes
Hey Joomlafans,

Perhaps you can provide me access to the 2 pages concerned and the current custom css which you have to see if we can target just the listing page.
Tuesday, 14 August 2018 15:40
0 Votes
I created a different class name for the gallery thumbnails which solves the override undesired effect.

Looking forward to the next EasyArticles update.

Thank you for your attention and support.
Tuesday, 14 August 2018 15:43
0 Votes
You're most welcome and glad to know that the override works fine now.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018 15:47
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