By Matt on Tuesday, 05 April 2016
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We want to use EasyDiscuss like a classroom. As with any classroom, students need to ask questions, but only qualified instructors should answer; however, other students can listen (read) and learn.

By restricting replies to the topic author and admins, this feature:

• allows the topic author to ask clarifying questions
• allows other students to learn by reading the questions and answers
• gives site users assurance that the answers are trustworthy
• cultivates an atmosphere of respect and seriousness
• keeps the thread on topic and focused
• prevents topic hijacking, joking around, and other distractions
• prevents the interference of people who think they know the answer but do not
• prevents debate and confusion

We believe this function would be useful for product support, classrooms, and other cases where it is best to prevent replies from well-intentioned but misinformed people.

We would like EasyDiscuss to capable of behaving in this way. Stackideas made our install of 3.0 work this way, so we know it can be done, but that was a custom modification that we hope can become a standard feature in 4.0.

Please vote to support this feature!
Hi Matt,

Regarding your inquiry, actually you can do it in current EasyDiscuss. You can setting ACL in each Group Name.
Example for student's ACL:
1. Create a student's group (Refer this screenshot:
2. Manage the ACL (manage the student can just only ask questions :

For Instructor:
1. Create a instructor's group
2. Manage the ACL (where the instructor have the right to reply,delete etc

Please give it a try
Tuesday, 05 April 2016 11:40
0 Votes
I am aware of group level permissions, but what Mark did for us in our 3.0 install was different:

A student posts a question. On that topic, only the instructors and that specific student can reply. No one else. This way, the student can ask follow up questions, while also preventing other students from "speaking out of turn" or distracting from the conversation.

Does that make sense?

Thank you!
Tuesday, 05 April 2016 20:33
0 Votes
Hey Matt,

I believe we should allow our customers (community) to vote for features rather than just bloating up the extension.

Thanks for understanding
Wednesday, 06 April 2016 11:20
0 Votes

Hi Mark,

Of course! I have no interest in "bloating" the extension either. As I recall, the modification you made for us was a few lines of code on two documents.

In the end, we just need a way to prevent thread hijackers; presumably we could also set all replies to require moderator approval before they go public?

The issue for us is that our moderators are unpaid volunteers who have limited time, so sometimes days can go by before posts are read. If other users post wrong information and it remains visible, it can appear that we allow it and thus agree with it. We are simply trying to avoid that.

Thanks for understanding!
Wednesday, 06 April 2016 20:05
0 Votes
Hey Matt,

In the end, we just need a way to prevent thread hijackers; presumably we could also set all replies to require moderator approval before they go public?

You can enable this option from your backend > Easydiscuss > settings > general > workflow > Moderate all new posts - YES , so that when the user post a question/reply also need to wait for your site moderator/admin approval first only can visible on your site.

Hope this help.
Thursday, 07 April 2016 16:37
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