By John Whelan on Wednesday, 06 November 2013
Posted in General Issues
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Is it possible to redirect the user to their profile (and give them a message to complete it) after they register or log in for the first time? I've been running some user tests and it's not immediately obvious where to go to complete the profile when looking at the dashboard.
John Whelan wrote:

Is it possible to redirect the user to their profile (and give them a message to complete it) after they register or log in for the first time? I've been running some user tests and it's not immediately obvious where to go to complete the profile when looking at the dashboard.

I would think anything is possible for Mark and his team given enough time. Here is an example of a site I signed up to a few weeks ago to take a look at it. It's called Solaborate - I have to finish my profile, and when I sign in, I am reminded to do 4 things, two of which are shown below and a screenshot:

Welcome Randall
Welcome to Solaborate! Thank you for joining. Help us spread the word by sharing it with others.

Complete your professional profile
Present information about your professional background. What is your academic degree, your working experience, skills & expertise that others can recognize and much moreā€¦

Screenshot of and messages to do four things:
Wednesday, 06 November 2013 07:39
0 Votes
I guess the questions my trial users had was "so what now?" once they logged in. Sites based on ES can get pretty complex with lots of things to do (particularly once ED and JR is added). I could add a module at the top of the user's dashboard that tells them what to do and control it so that it only appears once. Just spitballing here. Maybe we need a tips and tricks section on this forum to share cool things we've implemented?
Wednesday, 06 November 2013 08:06
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Currently it is not possible.

We will see if can add a setting "login redirection" under the user settings page.

In version 1.1, if a user visits his own info page and his profile is not completed, there will be a warning message appearing above only to the owner, states a link and a message to complete their profile.
Wednesday, 06 November 2013 19:07
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Referring to Mark's reply in a similar thread:
Wednesday, 06 November 2013 19:35
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