By Mario on Friday, 26 August 2016
Posted in General Issues
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I want to make several changes to wireframe theme we're using for Komento, so can you please let me know how can we recompile less files after our changes has been done?
Hello Mario,

Currently we do not have a compiler built into Komento but rather than making your changes on the LESS files, I strongly would suggest that you apply your css changes within your Joomla template's custom css instead.

Why? When you upgrade Komento, your changes would be lost
Saturday, 27 August 2016 16:29
0 Votes
Hello and thanks for your reply.

Is there any way to overwrite the css file path with my own? The same way we do for the template files?

Because the built-in css for example has font-awesome inside and I'm already loading font awesome in my template.
Saturday, 27 August 2016 16:42
0 Votes
Hey Mario,

I am sorry for the delay of this reply,

Unfortunately that was not possible to overwrite css file in template file for those css file.

What we suggest is using 3rd party less compiler to recompile your less file e.g. prepros, LESS compiler and etc.

Because the built-in css for example has font-awesome inside and I'm already loading font awesome in my template.

Check my attached screenshot below, you have to comment out that code, the file location located at

Note : You have to do this every time when update komento in the future.
Monday, 29 August 2016 10:46
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