By Timothy Walls on Saturday, 17 March 2018
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Every so often somebody or other leaves a garbled comment on my Komento comment area. Not really a big deal but annoying. I have Recaptcha set to reduce the activities of these morons but all anyone needs to do to bypass Recaptcha is to click on the tick "I'm not a robot". I thought that Recaptcha usually features a requirement to select a number of images from a grid. This is not a feature of my setup. Can this be made more robust?
Hey there,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here.

Unfortunately that is actually controlled by Google itself instead of us, because our part is use the PHP script to render the Google Recaptcha into the comment form.

If i am not wrong, if Google detected this current user tick this 'I'm not a robot" option many times, it will automatically show the pop up ask user verify the captcha image.
Sunday, 18 March 2018 09:48
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