By André Eidskrem on Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Posted in General Issues
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We have set up EasyBlog to show different categories on different pages/menu items, but now it seems to be impossible to make the "read all posts" button(s) in the "Latest Blogs Module" go to different pages.
We could do this before, but now you seem to have changed it so that the module picks a link by it self.
The same goes for the "read all posts" in the Magazine-layout we're now using on the front page.
I created a page with the alias "news", and now all the "read all" links point to this one...

We need to make the "read all posts" go different places as we have
-some categories where only admins can publish (front page)
-some where other members publish
-one for recommended articles from other media
-one just for videos
...and maybe more

How do we do this now?
Oh, and I see now that on our LIVE site the "Latest Blogs Modules" are giving wrong links to all the post shown in them.
The links are clickable, but they are not the correct ones that we want members to use and share.
For example does the links from the module "Latest Blogs from Members" now have the "video-list" in the URL, which should only be there for the video category...
Tuesday, 23 May 2017 18:11
0 Votes
Hi Andre,
The reason you see 'news' or 'video-list' in the url is because EasyBlog is trying to fetch the menu item for EasyBlog frontpage to be used in the url. For the dev site, your 'news' menu item is the frontpage menu item, so the system uses that. For your live site, there is no frontpage menu item enabled, so the system uses the magazine/grid menu item alias.
For your live site, perhaps you can create a frontpage menu item for EasyBlog in general so the system may use this menu item for all EasyBlog related urls.

The 'view all blogs' link in the latest blogs module actually uses different links based on the module type and filter option set in the latest blogs module. For example:
Tuesday, 23 May 2017 19:19
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I don't see how to make this work without the "extra fields" tab that was there before.
So, for example, we have a latest blog module in the right margin on this page:
(module 354)
This is showing blog postst from 5 different categories.
How can we make this show the correct urls for the posts without changing them?
And the "real all" button, how can we make it go to
Tuesday, 23 May 2017 19:35
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Hey Andre,
Do you mean that you want all EasyBlog urls to use /blogs correct? If yes, perhaps you can try using this in EasyBlog's SEO settings:
Tuesday, 23 May 2017 19:50
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Hi again
No, basically I want the url's to remain the same as when I posted them (set in the setting in EasyBlog) and the read all button in this module described over to go to and not to /news
I feel maybe it was better when the "read more link" in the latest-blog-module could be entered manually?
Tuesday, 23 May 2017 20:02
0 Votes
Hey Andre,
basically I want the url's to remain the same as when I posted them (set in the setting in EasyBlog)
May I know what setting you are referring to? Perhaps an example of the url?
The setting that I provided above just forces the system to use the 'blogs' menu item as the root menu item for EasyBlog and not 'news'.
For example, .../news/trust-success-equals-businessworthy will change to .../blogs/trust-success-equals-businessworthy
Wednesday, 24 May 2017 10:44
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Hi Raymond.
On here's what I'm trying to do in order for hopefully replace this with the live site by the end of the day (by the way: we're doing this in order for us to use EasyBlog and EasySocial for the entire site, as we have also bought the App-pack from AppCarvers and this will not work with standard Joomla articles)

On the front page:
The first part "Recent news" shows Blogs/Articles by our staff, and is created in the English Main Menu using "EasyBlog » (Posts) Magazine"
The button "View all post" should go to /news like now, but we would like /news to be in Grid-wiew. (When I cange /news to grid, the links on the buttons disappear)

On the front page:
The module "Latest blogs from members" (module 379) shows blogs created by any of our EasySocial members".
The "View all blogs" button should lead to the menu point /blogs and all the urls should use blogs instead of news

On the front page:
The module "Recommended from other media" (module 459) only shows a category named "Recommended".
The "View all blogs" button should lead to the menu point /recommended
For some reason it automatically gives /news/categories/recommended which is not what we want

On the front page:
The module "Videos" (module 460) should show a category named "Videos".
The "View all blogs" button should lead to the menu point /video-list
Also I can not find any way of making this section look good.
The only way I can make the module show videos is to leave the settings like they are now, with "Post type" set to all types and Truncate post to 1000 characters in the tab "Post attributes". If I set it to something like 500, the previews are gone.
I have no control over the size of the preview image or the alignment (should be centered with a short intro text under)

On the page
The module "Latest blogs from members" (module 354 in the right sidebar) also shows the blogs created by any of our EasySocial members".
The "View all blogs" button should lead to the menu point /blogs and all the urls should use blogs instead of news

I have a couple of other problems too, and I'll start new treads for these.
Wednesday, 24 May 2017 13:04
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I see you are now changing things Raymond.
Note that the front page "magazine" should show the categories that only admins can post to.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017 13:34
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Hey Andre,
After looking at the site menu items and modules, firstly, I would like to reiterate that the 'View all blogs' link is dependant on the module type set in the module settings. For 'Recent Posts', it will always use the frontpage menu item.
Even if we hack the files, it is only possible to route to 1 menu item, which means it is not possible to have different parent url for several latest blogs modules.

Secondly, the urls in the post is also not possible to change. It will always use the EB frontpage menu item as the parent alias, eg: .../frontpage_alias/post_alias

Third, for the 'recommended' category, you have to create an EasyBlog single category menu item if you want the url to be .../recommended. However, I noticed you already using this alias for Joomla article category menu item, so you have to use a different alias for EasyBlog's category to prevent confusion in the system.

Fourth, for the 'video-list' menu item, in order to use the url 'video-list', you have to use the module type 'Recent Posts by Category', and the 'video-list menu item type has to be EasyBlog single category menu item. For the videos, you can use readmore block to separate the content. This will disregard the truncation setting. The alignment is based on how you placed your blocks in the content, which mean you have to move the description to the bottom of the video, just like the 'Think different!' post.
Wednesday, 24 May 2017 15:32
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