By Sabih on Sunday, 30 April 2017
Posted in Pre Sales
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I am thinking of buying profile unlocker but I have some questions before buying it.

Since I am building the possibility for users to spend their points the question is, what happens if a user reaches the first goal of 500 points, spends 200 points and reaches 500 a second time?

I am planning on having a special frame around the avatar to present each profile type. I know this is beneath the support range, but could you please point me to the right direction where to get started with this if it is even possible? Maybe the question is something else like are their css classes related to each profile type?
Hello Sabih,

As soon as the user is already upgraded to the specific profile type, they will not be re-assigned to the same profile again as it doesn't make sense. Though you need to take note that it doesn't actually deduct the points once the user's profile type is upgraded.

Since the profile object is exposed on the profile page, you could add custom css classes around the HTML codes and style them accordingly
Sunday, 30 April 2017 23:31
0 Votes
Hey Mark,

fast reaction time! I am aware of the points staying after upgrading and fortunately it is as it is. Plan is to let people decide to some kind of 'level-up' or spending their points for goodies.

Since the profile object is exposed on the profile page, you could add custom css classes around the HTML codes and style them accordingly

Thank you very much. At the moment I have no idea yet how but now I know where to start.

One last question that just came up. What happens if I install the the app the moment users have already reached the goals? Let's say I put 1.000 points for the first step but some users already got 1.500 points the moment I installed it.
Sunday, 30 April 2017 23:43
0 Votes
When they achieve their next point, the system would move them accordingly.
Sunday, 30 April 2017 23:54
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