By cbais on Tuesday, 05 November 2013
Posted in Technical Issues
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Today I bought Easysocial and installed it. Tried to configure it all day and evening, but I just cannot get it right.

I want to use it as an advanced user profile system. Dont want to use all functionallity of it. I use Easyblog, komento and discussions on the same site, but dont like the way they handle user profiles. So I thought. Lets try easysocial with it. I also have some sites running jomsocial, but in my believe, jomsocial is way to heavy for what I want with this site....I do want to disable photo albums for instance. It is a site specially for ship/train/plane-spotters (the core is to create a database around pictures, sorted on the way I want, with a small community arround it. There for I use FW gallery for the photos. Although not ideal, it does its job. (will there be FW gallery integration by the way sometime?)

However, installing easy social was easy....everything installed fine and it appeared to work fine....

There are however some problems I encountered, and the biggest so far is the avatar/profile cover upload. I cannot find any documentation about easysocial, so therefor I post it on the forum. Are there some directory permissions which have to be set? where are the profile covers uploaded? that kind of things...

avatar upload does not work...
there is a way for a user to make it work. He has to try to upload an avatar. It appears to go well, but the picture is not shown at all...
after the user has tried to upload the avatar, I (admin), have to manually give the /media/com_easysocial/avatars/users/<user_id>> 777 access rights via ftp. (or when the user_dir does not excist, create it myself)
Then the user can try again and the avatar will be there (although the user does see some errors appear, the avatar is there....

this is not the way it should be. So I must be doing something wrong, but I have no idea what....

The profile cover does not upload at all...did not even found a just does not appear....the upload gif just keeps turning, but it nevers finishes.....not via profile edit, not via the profile itself.....

the question is: what do I have to setup, to make it work? I had the EasyDiscuss profile as the leading profile, before installing easysocial.

Next to this big problem I encounter, I also discoverd another small one...
I could not find a way to go back to english language, when having selected dutch. Dutch is far from complete, so I wanted to change back to english after selecting dutch. The only way to do this, was to to turn the complete frontend of the site to dutch OR delete (via ftp) the language file in the nl-nl dir.....

ok, deleting the file is a solution, but I dont think that is the preferred solution

final problem I discovered: the module that shows notifications does not take in account the settings of that module in the backend. I can turn on or of what I like in that module, but it just does not keep the changes in saves the settings, but on the frontend it is not taken in account...It always shows al options in the frontend. I only want home/friends/messages to be shown in that search for example

I have tried several times to purge/delete all the cache of the site. This didn't matter...problems still there.....

Hopere someone can help with this. All I want is an advanced user profile (basic compared to the things easysocial offers), integrated with easyblog, easydiscuss, komento and fw gallery and I have a feeling that easysocial is perfect for this, but after the first day of trying to set it up, i have no idea how the fix those basic things....

thanks in advance,

I use:
joomla 3.1.5
easyblog latest version
easydiscuss latest version
komento latest version
fw gallery latest version

The profile cover does not upload at all...did not even found a just does not appear....the upload gif just keeps turning, but it nevers finishes.....not via profile edit, not via the profile itself.....

Regarding the above, it is a known issue and we've fixed the issue internally. I've also patched the fix on your site. However, I still not able to upload any avatars or cover photo due to the folder permission from your site. I've checked the folders created by EasySocial and apparently, Joomla able to create new folders but Joomla failed to create images on these newly created folders. Can you check with your hosting provider and see if your web server user ( the apache user ) are in the correct folder group and this apache user has the correct read + write permission on the folders this user created?

Please advise.
Tuesday, 05 November 2013 18:20
0 Votes

1. Avatar / Profile Cover unable to upload

This seems like a user/group permission issues. EasySocial is using PHP/server assigned user:group to read/write folders and files. The fact that setting the folder to 777 works shows that the user/group is not assigned correctly.

If possible do provide us your site's access and an FTP access so that we can further investigate this.

2. Language file

Unfortunately currently the only way is to delete the language file directly.

3. Toolbar module settings

This is a current known bug if you are using the toolbar through a module. We are currently in the process of discussing this in the team.
Tuesday, 05 November 2013 10:37
0 Votes
GOod morning,

thanks for the quick reply!

I entered my siteaccess and ftp into this reply.

thanks in advance!
Tuesday, 05 November 2013 15:58
0 Votes

thanks so far!

Can You hint me in the right direction about those apache user? The site is running on a VPS. So therefor I think I have to check that myself with directadmin. However, no idea where to start...

Just checked the user, but dont see anything special. Is it something in the php.ini maybe I have to set? Or is it more in joomla itself?
Tuesday, 05 November 2013 18:47
0 Votes
ok. I found out the next problem. It was indeed a server problem with user rights of apache. There was a mod missing. Installed it and it works fine now....

thanks for the help!
Wednesday, 06 November 2013 02:48
0 Votes

Sorry for the late reply.

Glad that you've identified the problem.
Wednesday, 06 November 2013 09:25
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