By Mariano Valcayo Villamor on Monday, 04 August 2014
Posted in General Issues
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I have selected some options in ACL for a group of users, but if the user is a moderator has all ACL options. This is correct? NO one should have the ACL options I selected?
hey mariano,
actually this is the correct default behaviour. just think about it this way with my very simplified example:
say you have a joomla group "registered" and set all acl options to no so that everyone in the group by default has only read access to your forum.

now one of these users is a good one that you trust and you make him/her a moderator to help you out. if now still this user would only have read access from the default usergroup ACL how could this be done? it couldn't, because the needed rights woudn't be granted. but without the rights to edit etc. a moderator can't really do the job at all. therefore when you set a moderator by default this user has additional rights.

hope that explains what's going on and helps you out. have a nice day
Monday, 04 August 2014 06:12
0 Votes
ok, thanks.

I want to have a mini moderator. So I've been testing one to one all ACL permits a group of users ...

I have to give this group of users blocking ACL permission for the rest of ACL permissions apply if you do not want to be a super moderator permissions.

The only problem is not being moderator, can not answer private questions in the category.

I find it interesting that if a user is a moderator, can be restricted through the ACL permissions. For much confidence you can have in a moderator, it is desirable to restrict the rights super admin moderator.


The structure of a company: Chief (super admin all permissions) - manager (admin restricted permission) - employee (readable and some more)

And that could be achieved through the ACL permissions.

We'll ask Santa Claus
Monday, 04 August 2014 20:38
0 Votes
could also be an option that permits the possibility of embers category who can see private questions (also owner of the question)
Monday, 04 August 2014 20:49
0 Votes
Hello Mariano,

Sorry but I don't really understand what you are referring to here. A moderator is basically a user that moderates the forums. If you have given them the rights for moderation, they could actually perform almost very similar functions as a site admin. That's the purpose of a moderator

Unfortunately right now the ACL is not broken down into that level and it's not possible to do so currently.
Monday, 04 August 2014 23:51
0 Votes
Correct and understood.

Currently ED practically covers my needs. But I need to extend functionality as start up around 200 categories and about 340 mini moderators.

The structure I have created is a container category (10 categories) with a moderator with several sub categories with one or two moderators. Each subcategory independent of each other. There ACL permissions that would restrict but if not possible, try to adapt.

The only thing that worries me is how to prevent private questions only the moderators can see one subcategory. I'll have to play with permissions to view the category.
Tuesday, 05 August 2014 01:11
0 Votes
Hello Mariano,

Yeah, that's the only way that you can restrict view access to discussions
Tuesday, 05 August 2014 01:25
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