By Mark on Friday, 28 April 2017
Posted in General Issues
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Hey guys,

Some of you may have noticed that we have been pushing several releases as quickly as we could for the past week. The reason behind this is primarily because of upgrades from EasyBlog 2.x, 3.x, 5.x and 5.1 has been very tricky.

We believe the release of 5.1.6 is pretty much very stable now as 99% of the installation & upgrade issues has already been resolved with the exception of 1 minor bug in the latest 5.1.6 release.

If you are on 5.1.6, and if you are getting a placeholder image in the entry page, all you need to do is to download the attached file and upload it into /components/com_easyblog/themes/wireframe/blogs/entry/

Moving forward, 5.1.7 onwards, upgrading should be a breeze.

Thanks for understanding and the team and I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the inconveniences caused.
Im sure we all appreciate the hard work going into this project thanks !!
Saturday, 29 April 2017 14:39
0 Votes
Thanks for understanding Richard, most appreciated!
Saturday, 29 April 2017 14:48
0 Votes
thank you for the quick reaction. It was a really ugly bug.
Regards, Marko
Sunday, 30 April 2017 02:02
0 Votes
Guys, appreciate you working hard to fix things, this has been a harder than expected update with a few problems for me.
Small but frustrating point. I understand that bugs and unexpected issues happen. But the couple of things below seem to me to be just out of control designers or just plain changes for the sake of something. They have both caused me trouble because some of my sites are regulated by corporate people who do not accept changes without agreement.
[1] mod_easyblogcategories
The id of the main content div was id="fd" but in the update it changed to id="eb" , I guess you were fixing a previous irrelevant error, but all the custom css code on a site stopped working and stupid me did not spot that slight change.
[2] mod_easyblogsubscribe
The title of the button used to be "Subscribe Now" but now it is "Subscribe to our blog", why the change, again something that may not get spotted and upset a customer, it is also a longer and less effective call to action. OK I know I can fix that with a language override.
Sunday, 30 April 2017 09:43
0 Votes
Hello Stephen,

Thanks for your insights on this and we greatly appreciate this. Please find my response below:

[1] mod_easyblogcategories
The id of the main content div was id="fd" but in the update it changed to id="eb" , I guess you were fixing a previous irrelevant error, but all the custom css code on a site stopped working and stupid me did not spot that slight change.

The main rationale behind switching from #fd to #eb is because we needed to reduce the size of the css files.

Prior to 5.1, css selectors below are being used:

div#fd.eb .other-selectors {

In 5.1 onwards, css selectors below are being used:

#eb .other-selectors {

If you look at the sample above, it helped us to shave off a lot of unnecessary characters from the css file. It was definitely worthwhile changing the selectors because moving forward, our primary goal would always be performance first. If we do not change this now, we will never be able to change this

This change is also documented on

[2] mod_easyblogsubscribe
The title of the button used to be "Subscribe Now" but now it is "Subscribe to our blog", why the change, again something that may not get spotted and upset a customer, it is also a longer and less effective call to action. OK I know I can fix that with a language override.

We have enhanced the module by allowing the module to allow subscription based on several different criterias. The rationale behind the change of the text is so that site owners could be able to easily identify the behavior of the module and should they need to unify the string, it's as simple as modifying the text.
Sunday, 30 April 2017 13:58
0 Votes
Hi Mark,

Thank you for all your hard work. I love the new upgrade to 5.17 - it has solved the huge image problem and placeholder issue that was going on in 5.16.

I seriously love everything that you have done to improve EasyBlog. My automated tweets look a whole lot better!

I am grateful that I have got to know you and your team and EasyBlog! The best extension out there for Joomla.

Thursday, 04 May 2017 05:08
0 Votes
You are most welcome Rob, and thank you for the kind compliments. Appreciate this very much!
Thursday, 04 May 2017 12:29
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