By Antonio Simmons on Sunday, 01 December 2013
Posted in Pre Sales
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Hi, why does the all photos in the activity stream get cropped in the dimensions of a cover photo on the desktop version but they appear in their correct dimensions on the mobile version, unless I turn my phone left to right then the photos gets cropped like the desktop version. This is strange.

Also will ES support videos taken by mobile phones?

I'm sorry I have one more question, when I buy ES do I have to purchase the subscription for every six months to get software updates? Or are the software updates free?
Hello Antonio,

Hm, not too sure if I understand you here. Do you have a screen shot showing this? Unfortunately right now EasySocial does not support videos yet.

Yes, just like EasyBlog (Which includes 1 year of free updates), EasySocial is 6 months. You will be billed automatically every 6 months which also entitles you to additional discounts the subsequent 6 month. You can choose to cancel this at any point of time.
Sunday, 01 December 2013 00:40
0 Votes
I'll get you the screen shots ASAP I just currently registered with ES and I'm currently waiting approval so I can use the demo.

I know ES does not support videos from YouTube and Vimeo yet but I'm asking will the mobile version of ES support videos people make with their mobile phones so they can upload the videos directly from their mobile phones to ES? I have a JS site and they don't support mobile phone videos which is a huge problem. Everyone takes videos with their phones and if they can't post those videos from their phones it's very disappointing to them and that makes it even harder for our sites to be successful.
Sunday, 01 December 2013 03:17
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Hello Antonio,

Hm, you should use the account demo / demo to access the demo. Unfortunately right now there's no video support in EasySocial It is being planned in the upcoming version
Sunday, 01 December 2013 03:38
0 Votes
I can't login with the demo it's saying Activities are currently restricted to members only.
Sunday, 01 December 2013 06:05
0 Votes
Hello Antonio,

Please try again, I have reset the demo site
Sunday, 01 December 2013 13:04
0 Votes
Hi Mark, The first screen shot is from the desktop version of ES you can see how the photos are getting cropped in the dimension of a cover photo. The next screen shots are from my mobile phone. The first ones are how the photos are suppose to look with my phone being held vertically. The second ones are what happens when I turn my phone horizontal. The photos get cropped in the dimensions of a cover photo. On the desktop version of ES all the photo get cropped like that automatically also, so people are not seeing the full photo in the activity stream they have to go view it through your album. I would also encourage the developers to look into cleaning up the avatar and cover photo display for the mobile version of ES. I also included some screen shot for them to look at and compare. The last 4 screen shots are from the mobile version of my site on JS and the mobile version of the demo for ES. There seems to be a lot of wasted space on the ES version and the avatar seems to over power the cover photo don't giving it a nice design flow. ( Just my opinion ) Overall I'm loving ES I can't wait to you incorporate groups so I can migrate everything and switch over. One last question, is the ES team working on making the avatars look better? I brought this to your attention awhile ago, I sent you screen shots and Jensen Tonne replied to our discussion and said they noticed the avatars were blurry and they would look into the image resizing routines to improve it.
Sunday, 01 December 2013 22:40
0 Votes
Hi Antonio,

The photo looks like being cropped in stream because we have to fix the 180px height for single photo base on our responsive structure. If we remove the fix height it will mess up the layout
Here the video to show the main content width for single photo from wide to narrow

Regarding the cover photo seem like there have some issues on our demo sites, by right it should looks like this in mobile view We will try to enhanced the wasted space in mobile view, thanks.
Thursday, 05 December 2013 14:05
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